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Showing off new features for my home cockpit: Priority alerts, sounds and more status indicators
12 Comments on Showing off new features for my home cockpit: Priority alerts, sounds and more status indicators
This uses my X4-SimPit extension for X4: Foundations, that sends ship telemetry via a socket…
Linux, Programming and Gaming
Stuff and Blabla
Suspend or not to suspend
Everybody: Help! suspend isn’t working Me: Help! Suspend _is_ working So… today I noticed that I forgot something on my Fedora Workstation at home. No problem, we have Wireguard, no? So I asked a family member to start my computer at home, which they did, and I logged into my box via ssh. After that I had to install a programm first before starting my work so I installed it via sudo. The dnf command succeeded and directly after that – to my _utter_ surprise – did the terminal print the message “The system is going into suspend NOW”. And…
Add client certificate to Bugzilla requests
Hello #Bugwarrior with client cert my old friend. Today I needed to connect a #Bugzilla ticket system to you. I had to tweak it a little though, because I have no idea where to put client certificates for Python’s requests lib and my current customer requires that. Any HTTPS request without will fail with status code 400: No required SSL certificate was sent. On top it’s a self signed so let’s ignore self signed server certs (I know…). For this I edited ~/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bugzilla/ line 43 from this: to This time I even added my extra bits in a conditional way…
I held an online presentation and talk for 2h about #LinuxGaming some weeks ago **in German**. The presentation itself (20m) went live today with **English subtitles** on the channel of (Stellanebula project lead). I mention #X4Foundations as example for native games but the main focus is, due to the audience: a huge German Elite Dangerous wing, focused on #EliteDangerous (and some #StarCitizen for good measure). I’m going to release the talk that happened after this eventually but I have to cut this first, which is _a lot_ of work, so no promises yet. Mebbe this is of interest for…
🔖 Input Remapper Mebbe of interest for my #SimPit (home cockpit) shenanigans.
15 Years of Lord Of The Lost
Visited the #lotl concert in #Stuttgart today and had a blast. Been years that I went to LKA Longhorn. Like.. dunno.. 20 or so? And nothing changed 😄 Show was great, felt familiar, what I really like. My personal highlight was “Unstoppable” (originally by Sia). We did hear the struggle in the voice though. Band just recovered from Covid apparently. Hope they don’t overdo it 😅 Anyway, for the curious: The set list “15 Years Of #LordOfTheLost” is available on Spotify at (yes yes Spotify evil).
Cutting a replacement blade for my lawnmower
Apparently there is _nobody_ selling a 40cm blade for the G40LM40 / 25157 40V lawnmower by #Greenworks outside of the UK – or claims a shipping time of seven months! Is this the result of Brexit? Well fck this. I ordered a 41cm blade for the G40LM41 / G24X2LM41 model on a hunch. This one was available. Looks like the fastening bolt is the same. Could confirm this when it arrived 4 days later. Sadly it didn’t fit (no security clearance) – which was expected, of course. The fix is rather simple though. At least when you’ve an angle grinder.…
The #kdenlive video editor is simply great 👍 Made an entire 20m voiced presentation with it last week 🤓 That sure was a first but a pretty straight forward process.
Al right peeps, the 1:1 #ColonialViper ( #BSG | build is basically done but Baz is stuck now. He made plans for a trailer to haul it around but he is out of materials: Baz is not asking for donations yet. Personally I think he should, because his builds spark joy in the heart of people. Like his awesome build of an #IronMan suit for the benefit of sick kids in hospitals did before. We may even support him without some GoFundMe. If you’re into #cutlery you may be interested in some of his #knives at I’ll…
Mobility and Electric Vehicles
Twike 5
Wie niedlich: – wenn ich groß, reich und schön bin will so was definitiv haben! Der @robinvonrobintv hat dazu ein Video gemacht: #Twike #electromobility
Mediaeval and History
Historic silver mine Hallwangen
Visited the abandoned silver/copper/barite mine in Hallwangen, 72280 Germany. It’s a rather interesting one as…