Everybody: Help! suspend isn’t working

Me: Help! Suspend _is_ working

So… today I noticed that I forgot something on my Fedora Workstation at home. No problem, we have Wireguard, no? So I asked a family member to start my computer at home, which they did, and I logged into my box via ssh.

After that I had to install a programm first before starting my work so I installed it via sudo. The dnf command succeeded and directly after that – to my _utter_ surprise – did the terminal print the message “The system is going into suspend NOW”.

And it was gone. Just like my family members, who left the building in the meantime. WoL didn’t succeed. Work delayed 🤷

I was flabbergasted. And I tried it again later at home. If I do not login via gdm… the system suspends on it’s own again!

What on earth is doing this and how can I stop this from happening again???

4 thoughts on “Suspend or not to suspend

  1. @beko Sounds like Gnome's usual "power saving" stuff. There's a setting for it in the preferences under the "power" section.

    On some of my servers, I've also had success masking the corresponding systemd targets, namely "sleep", "suspend", "hibernate" and "hybrid-sleep".

    for mode in sleep suspend hibernate hybrid-sleep; do systemctl mask $mode.target; done

  2. I checked. That setting is OFF. At least on my profile. I guess the “not logged in” profile of gdm has different rules.

  3. I was pointed to dbus settings for ‘gdm’ and this should do the trick. “sudo -u gdm dbus-run-session gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power | grep sleep” list all options and removing the timeout should prevent this: “sudo -u gdm dbus-run-session gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-timeout 0”

    I’ll update the article once confirmed.

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