🤓 Painted the button box, added more buttons and the LCD and set it to playing the #BSG DRADIS animation[1] of the Pegasus just for show:
Next is wiring everything up (and when that is done finishing the frame for the display) and add decals.
Same thing really to see how it feels:

[1] The Loop was created by David Gian-Cursio (https://www.gian-cursio.net/2016/07/battlestar-pegasus-dradis-screens/) for Diaspora: Shattered Armistice (a total conversion for the FreeSpace Open engine).
@bekopharm Looks awesome! Especially with btop on the LCD 🙂
@f yes 😀 I’ve to rewrite my own HUD first adjusting for the new screen layout xD
@bekopharm Wow, that looks awesome!
@bekopharm that’s well cool
@bekopharm been so fun seeing this come together, that looks freaking bananas
@beko Very nice! Incredible improvement over the previous version! Love the added BSG touch.