Threads and the Fediverse - A Smarter Battle Plan to Protect the Open Social Web by Tim Chambers (
With the #meta #Project92 or #Threads Fediverse offering, there has been a, well, robust discussion of how to avoid threats looming. Those advocating mass-preemptive defederation make three cases for it. ➡️ To avoid data mining … However, defederation does virtually zero to avoid any big tech ...


Home Flight Sim Tour 2.0 (YouTube)
This is version 2 of my home flight sim tour.#flightsimulator #msfs2020 #xplane11

🔖 This is as DIY as it gets: Home Flight Sim Tour 2.0

YT suggested this one to me and I absolutely love it. A whole cockpit on a budget made from cardboard:

It’s for civil aviation, unlike my own, and features some very neat ideas – like the fans in the ceiling, or [non functional] “fuses”, for more immersion. It always impresses me how far dedication and skill go.

Wann ist Wärmedämmung über die Grundstücksgrenze erlaubt? (
Dieser Beitrag ist unter dem Titel „Grenzüberschreitende Wärmedämmung“ im Deutschen Architektenblatt 01-02.2023 erschienen. Von Volker Steves Jeder in der Sanierung tätige Architekt dürfte die folgende Situation kennen: Auf Wunsch des Bauherrn soll an dem Bestandsgebäude von außen eine W?...


Piloting spaceships with a DIY cockpit by Arduino TeamArduino Team (

Take a moment to go and look up some photos of the cockpits of airplanes and spacecraft. All of them are packed full of instruments and controls. So why do we feel like we can play a flight simulator with a regular gamepad? If you’re doing so, then you’re missing out on a lot of […]

Oh wow, that was unexpected but Arduino themselves featured my ~~fire hazard~~ simulated cockpit on their blog:

Yes I am totally hyperventilating right now. That was unexpected and I only know because someone asked if this is mine 🤓

Gotta admit though: I’d have liked linking to the primary source better. Namely this blog or but… details.