I’ve a private mailserver with a web interface behind a proxy at home. It’s that proxy that obtains certs from LetsEncrypt every few months.

I’m using the same certs for the mail gateways (smtpd, ical and so on) behind the scenes and it’s annoying to keep the certs in sync so my Evolution (mail client) would greet me once every few months with an obsolete cert warning.

No more! Why repeat these steps manually again and again if I can just utilize the power of systemctl --host and scp?

scp /etc/letsencrypt/live/mail.example.com/*
for i in {postfix,mail-gateway,mail-ical}; do systemctl --host restart ${i}; done

This may run as a hook script for the certbot or simply via cron once a week 🤷

(Yes yes, we can argue all day why this box can log in to another via ssh as root with just a key to this single virtual machine on my internal network. This is a homelab set-up and gaining access to the proxy would be a disaster already since this one terminates HTTPS already *and* has the cert keys.)

Back in 2023 I started a new game in where I did set out (on a whim) to build the – and fair warning: I never finished it. I found some measurements of this iconic ship from the verse online, which is apparently something like 1.44km x 551m and converted this to 179.6 x 68.9 Satisfactory Foundations (look Mom, a game made me do MATHS again).

Finding a spot with enough space was a task on it’s own and I settled for the West Coast in the end. This is so close to the edge that the game starts to kill the player because the map ends there. This is also a Vanilla game with no mods.

After laying a square for the proportion and being somewhat satisfied (haha) with that I started refining the outlines. This took ages and some mad image editing skills to scale photos with correct proportions and overlaying them with a grid in the Gimp editor. Ah well not really but you get the idea.

The goal was to build a mega factory inside the hull working with the given layout. Vehicles and trains would pick up all required resources and bring them in via the fighter decks. I kinda imagined what could have happened if the Galactica crashed on a planet after her last journey. Using the powerful engines to power machines that would aid in starting with a settlement program or something like that, while the former ship itself would get decommissioned and transformed piece for piece.

I am rather happy with the result, even without ever completing this. My gaming focus shifted a lot and with the announcement that no further early access updates would happen I kinda lost interest in the project. I am not expecting to complete it once the release drops. That’s okay though. I am still looking forward to said release.

I mean after ~850 of casual hours I kinda have seen it all. Best early access ever – and yes all on a Linux PC – as usual for me 🤘I’m very curious what else the devs will come up with for this title. Anyway, here are the rest of the 16 screenshots. This shows more of the inner ship including the various power plants and reactors.

Thank you Coffee Stain Studios for making such an entertaining game. I enjoyed every hour of it and despite this being basically an endless grind game it never felt like grinding at all. Heck, thinking of all the possible ways to transport, collect and divide stuff is endless fun for me ❤️

Deshalb gilt auch im Juli weiterhin das Papierticket D-Ticket JugendBW Februar in Verbindung mit dem beigefügten Bestätigungsschreiben, bis die Chipkarte zugestellt wird.

Das ist unsere am Limit. Die Kinder fahren seit März(!) mit dem abgelaufenen Februar Ticket beim mit, weil das eingeführte Chipkarten D-Ticket weiterhin nicht zur Verfügung gestellt werden konnte.

Naja, in 3 Wochen sind Sommerferien, dann ist der Fisch eh geputzt.

So, Timelines released today. Bagged it, of course. Don’t even really know what’s coming but the X series are something I enjoy since X: Beyond The Frontier in 1999. Kinda rad that a company that old managed to stay in business and true to their very own franchise.

Oh and also native for PC, my daily (and only) system for .

I could ramble on why X4 is a great Space Pew Pew game but others can do that much better. Like ObsidianAnt for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCcaA1FAuAg

TIL (and I know I’m late for the party): protontricks can set the env for Steam in a very comfortable way to run another exe in the same wine prefix/bottle/compatData folder for an already running game. Useful for companion apps of games or e.g. OpenTrack. I used to do this manually with little scripts 🤓

protontricks-launch ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1069190/pfx/drive_c/opentrack/install/opentrack.exe

I had the chance to play Flight Of Nova (https://flight-of-nova.com/) for the first time today. This was on my wishlist for quite some time now. Dived in blind and had no idea what to expect. 3 tutorial missions later: Oh boy… this is hard. I can see myself sinking many hours in this.

Anyway, as usual, my focus is on interfacing with my home cockpit (or simpit) and while there is no ship telemetry [yet?] I was able to get it running just fine via Proton and with my DIY headtracker using OpenTrack. Hats off, seldom that I see a game that detects my joystick just fine, has great ingame calibration, offers me a windowed mode and a bunch of ultra width resolutions without having to resort to hacking config files or use gamescope to resize it ❤️

Head tracking is, as usual, TrackIR only so far (I guess the native Linux PC version does not have UDP in place here but I couldn’t check due Steam refusing to download another version today). Anyway, you can see me fooling around with the buttons and do an A+ crash landing in the end – sunny side up 😆 Not too shabby considering that this was my 3rd landing at all.

Pick your poison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2A_uVbUKWU / https://tube.tchncs.de/w/iV21V6EZxNCTsC8bvsCQDt

Fedora used to have fancy modules for things like node, which allowed fast install and switch of a specific version: https://developer.fedoraproject.org/tech/languages/nodejs/nodejs.html e.g. with dnf module install nodejs:8

This is no longer the case starting with Fedora 38: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/NodejsRepackaging – which suggests to install an alternative [supported] version e.g. with dnf install nodejs18. While this works it did not adjust the default link of /usr/bin/node to nodejs18, like the old command would have done, so ANY not-packaged-for-Fedora project will still default to /usr/bin/node, which points in my case to node-20 at the time of writing. The article suggests to make use of the update-alternatives command to change this but it does not give an example.

And since I will forget this by tomorrow here is one, that adds a new entry for node to alternatives and adds a symlink for /usr/bin/node to /usr/bin/node-18 with a priority of 18:

> sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/node node /usr/bin/node-18 18
> update-alternatives --list

Should there be one with a higher priority already, and the list not update with the command, it has to be overridden with a manual setter:

> sudo update-alternatives --set node /usr/bin/node-18
> update-alternatives --list
