In a very foul mood. Bad for my #pell. Arms hurt. Somehow the #pell still didn’t give up 🤷
Kind: Notes
Computer fallen
Computer says no has fallen off the bus 🤷
NVRM: GPU 0000:01:00.0: GPU has fallen off the bus.
NVRM: the NVIDIA kernel module is unloaded.nvidia 440.36
Friends came over for a spontaneous armoured #training for #reenactment last weekend. Lots of stabbing while keeping the line closed. Weather was perfect for this but sadly not good for taking some good pictures so here is all I salvaged from the camera.
Training calculating with the little one. After a bunch of additions I write “5 – 1 =” on the paper. She ignores the minus and writes “6” so I complained. Instead of recalculating the sum the takes my pen and repaints the minus into a plus and now I don’t know what to say 😂
Sorry for the noise. Syndicated and backdated some stuff from FB back that I’m phasing out.
Remove all packages from specific repo
TIL: dnf on #fedora has a cli argument to remove all packages from a certain repository and disable it:
dnf repository-packages $repo_id remove
Also: Upgrade from FC29 to FC31 worked like a charm.
GDPR and the real world

There’s a thing that puzzles me every time I visit some doctor, or hospital or dentist. You get it. Everywhere you get to sign a #GDPR (or refuse to, like I do) and next thing happening is you’re sited in a room waiting for your turn. With a computer. Usually with your patient file already opened and on screen.
There is _so_ much you could do now. Like editing, opening other files, install a keylogger or some other device to the net – even wifi. WPS button is on the router next to it – default password on it’s back. System is in most cases horrible out of date and even if the screensaver is on it’s password is usually short, never changed and can be easily guessed or observed. And that’s all in a very sensitive setting. I observed this in various places now and when called out I get that “We’re not computer experts” shrug.
…but you signed that GDPR so all is [probably] good.
Am I the only one bewildered by this?
Transport Fever 2 released

Transport Fever 2 released on schedule and for #linux. I’ll be in my bunk 😁
Run multiple garbd arbitrator instances for galera
Got scam mail
Got some scam mail. Nothing really special but I took a look at the header. This one came from a goverment webmailer in brazil and was tagged with `User-Agent: RoundCube Webmail/0.8.2` released in 2012. So very EOL. Wow, that’s some call from the past.