Primary Buffer Panel
Interview: In depth walkthrough of my Primary Buffer Panel / `@ozoned` interviewed me on my home cockpit on a live stream via…
Linux, Programming and Gaming
Star Citizen with head tracking from XR glasses in SBS mode on Linux PC – Yes it works!
5 Comments on Star Citizen with head tracking from XR glasses in SBS mode on Linux PC – Yes it works!
So I was asked if my head tracking approach of reading the IMU data from…
Stuff and Blabla
Hello, this note is written with #WordPress. If you are reading this with any other software via #ActivityPub: Gratulation. Apparently there is a lot of rage about WordPress COM (that’s the company) changing their terms of service. This here is just another self hosted WordPress instance (that’s the software) federating with the Fediverse *since 2019* – just like a shiton of other software you may never have heard about – and is not affiliated with said company in any way. So… mebbe cool your jets. It’s not the software that makes weird policy decisions. Still have the urge to block,…
Tried #wokwi – an online Arduino simulator – and ditched it again after fiddling with it for 5 minutes. Looks good on first glance, admitted. Raised my first eyebrow after not finding a diode. Ah well, used a 0-resistor instead as placeholder. I don’t see how I can demo a button matrix like that though. Checked the download as ZIP function. Hm, there is no upload function, guess I have to register for saving online. Guess I can also just import the project text files via copy and paste again. Not comfortable but I can live with that. Found open…
On my last replacement pads for my headphones. Wrote about this at before. The last replacement pads promised to “not tear” within 6 months. What a promise of quality eh 😒 Anyway, this is how they do look half a year later. Totally tattered. I knew the parts are EOL for a while so I purchased several sets. That’s my last one however. Used the chance to vacuum the insides a little and this may have done the trick to fix some annoying crackling of the ANC function. Mebbe a fine hair was tickling it’s mic. Mebbe it’s just…
Baz uploaded another update on his 1:1 build of a #ColonialViper He fosters a blog with articles on the build at #BSG #SoSayWeAll
Apparently ~6000 people on the Market ~~Place~~Square of #Herrenberg protesting against Nazis. The place is very small because it’s the medieval part of this city – surrounded by old timber-framed buildings. It was almost impossible to move. Not too shabby considering that major cities all over the country had demonstrations going too today. Some, like the one in Munich, had to be cancelled early. Too many people showed up.
🔖 This is as DIY as it gets: Home Flight Sim Tour 2.0 YT suggested this one to me and I absolutely love it. A whole cockpit on a budget made from cardboard: It’s for civil aviation, unlike my own, and features some very neat ideas – like the fans in the ceiling, or [non functional] “fuses”, for more immersion. It always impresses me how far dedication and skill go.
Heh, I really have to find out how to not DoS myself whenever a blog article gets pushed via #ActivityPub 🤓
Mobility and Electric Vehicles
Twike 5
Wie niedlich: – wenn ich groß, reich und schön bin will so was definitiv haben! Der @robinvonrobintv hat dazu ein Video gemacht: #Twike #electromobility
Mediaeval and History
Historic silver mine Hallwangen
Visited the abandoned silver/copper/barite mine in Hallwangen, 72280 Germany. It’s a rather interesting one as…