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Linux, Programming and Gaming

Stuff and Blabla

🤓 Painted the button box, added more buttons and the LCD and set it to playing the DRADIS animation[1] of the Pegasus just for show: Next is wiring everything up (and when that is done finishing the frame for the display) and add decals. Same thing really to see how it feels: [1] The Loop was created by David Gian-Cursio ( for Diaspora: Shattered Armistice (a total conversion for the FreeSpace Open engine).


Kids got to pick movies yesterday. Beside one of the Dragons movies (again 😩 ) they surprisingly settled on . That was surprisingly a lot of fun and I really dig the art style and that totally weird combination of a self isolating medieval town set in a Sci-Fi setting. Which… you know… kinda totally nails two of my interests 🤓 Would watch again 👌

Did some test assembly today. Running out of buttons. I have to salvage my version 1 now which kinda sucks because I won’t be able to actually play with it any more 😆 Still very happy with the result 👌

Blocksizes in the wild

Who bought a bunch of used Seagate Constellation SAS drives and didn’t check for their block-size of 520 not supported by the old hardware raid controller? Yes, me. Who got a dirty cheap LSI SAS 9200-8E controller with pass-through just to fix that? Yes, also me. That’ll take a while 🤪

Heh, 3rd time I used the to bring the little one to the day nanny. The new child seat works great. It’s a different model that is strapped on the rack and not to the frame itself like the old child seat. The old one was sadly not compatible with the higher rack of the new[1] eBike. Ah well. I need exactly the same time like with the car but at the same time I get some workout done and really do not need a coffee afterwards any more. Win win 😁 [1] Got a good deal on a…

Behold my latest addition 🤪 A button box | switch panel for the toddler. It was on a discount so I gave in. May be a good starting point for a bigger one that I’m going to make for the kids eventually.

Huh. Found my old Haupauge TV card 🤔

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Mobility and Electric Vehicles

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