Visited Schiltach 77761 / Germany that is dating back to 1275 to look at some amazing half-timber buildings. The city is also known for it’s tannerys’ quarter and rafting of timber. The Schüttesäge museum showing the rafting history and a framesaw was sadly closed for unknown reasons. Maybe next time.

Later on we also visited castle Schenkenzell – or what’s left of it – after a short walk.

Visited the Bachritterburg in 88422 Kanzach / Germany, a reconstruction of a medieaval motte-and-bailey castle from the early 14th. century. It’s a wooden fortification with an enclosed courtyard that has a lot of Living History from various groups going on.

Visited Campus Galli in 88605 Meßkirch / Germany and it was awesome. Here you can witness the construction of a medieaval monastic with tools and techniques from the 9th century based on an original plan drawn over 1000 years ago.

Visited the lake dwelling settlement at 88690 Uhldingen-Mühlhofen, District Unteruhldingen / Germany. Worth every cent. We had a great time there today. I was there as a child myself and I hope that mine will also keep this in good memory 😀

Today from the HobbyArcheology: Discovering lake dwelling artifacts with the little ones.

Picked my KW902 apart today to see what’s inside. It features probably a SN65HVDA1050A CAN tranciever (ISO 11898-2 high speed up tp 1 Mbps) a BK3231S SoC for Bluetooth 3.0 and 4.0 programmable via JTAG/FLASH both controlled by a PIC18F25K80 (cheapest of the family, also up to 1Mbps bit rate, comforms to CAN 2.0B) programmable via ICSP.

KW902 ODB2 dongle on the inside

The pins for ICSP may be exposed on the cable for the LED and RST button but since I don’t have the equipment to read out the firmware I didn’t look too closely and called it a day – for now. This cheap IC costs ~2 EUR btw and is well documented.

tl,dr: `systemctl suspend`

Sometimes I let my pc play music at night. Spotify still didn’t manage to implement a sleep function (even gorram Audible has this – and chances are the app crashes way before anyway).

I usually use `shutdown -h 60` or similar. Suspend tho? That’s another story. Hint: “suspend” is a bash builtin and not what you’d expect 😉

Looks like this changed (again) from `pm-suspend` to… systemd:

> sleep 1h; systemctl suspend

No sudo. yw.

Did you know `ncdu`? I’m using this for years to find out where all my precious disk space is lost. Unlike other solutions it works in a terminal and this way even on remote servers… or gorram mobile phones always short on anything.