We revisited Schiltach 77761 / Germany today and this time we were lucky. The Schüttesäge museum was open just as advertised. It’s free to visit and has a donation box.

Beside the framesaw and it’s water mills it also shows the history of Timber Rafting and Tanning in the area. A really small but nice museum.

After some refreshments – it was a very warm day this time – we moved over to the city museum that had a lot of stuff that could be touched or experimented with. A lot of fun for the kids. It also hosts a tiny library with books about the town – including several well known books about half timber by e.g. Manfred Gerner. This one is also free and has a donation box.

One of the most fascinating items on display is the model of the former “Zum Adler” inn (1604), that can be seen from the window of the museum.



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