How To Install Docker On Fedora 32 Or 31 (And Alternatives) (Linux Uprising Blog)
Fedora 32 and 31 switched to cgroup v2, and due to this Docker no longer works. This article explains your options, and how to install Docker on Fedora 32 or 31 if you don't like the alternatives.

Use they said. Deploy will be so much easier they said.

If I get this right I have to choose between three different engines and two versions of cgroups on by now – let’s not start talking about docker-compose alternatives.

Needless to say that some very aged files will fail anyway no matter what path I choose 🤦

Sometimes I’m really tired of all this tech stuff

Today I scratched an itch I had with and . Every time I run it on my PC I have to drag around the window until it fills my 3 displays setup. It’s tricky because it’s a grown installation and the displays have different resolutions.

Gnome has smart borders auto-sizing windows when you come close to a border. Usually that’s awesome but in this case it’s not. wmctrl to my rescue!

Find out about current window position when satisfied: wmctrl -G -l -x

Use that information for a one liner script: wmctrl -x -r code.Code -e 0,0,109,5276,1136

This will do until I get a 4k display or learn how to auto-run this snippet on the launch of vscode (like I do this with RisingWorld to force semi borderless fullscreen) 🤣

How can I get consistent sizes with physically different monitors on Linux? by @edent (
I can’t think of a concise way of wording this. I have three monitors. Each has the same resolution – 1920x1080px. But each one has a different physical size – 61 cm monitor, 39 cm laptop, and 48 cm monitor. Three monitors. Here’s my problem. When I move a window from one screen to another, ...

Sounds like you want to go back to tweaking an Xorg config file 🙂 A Monitor section has an option for a DisplaySize (in mm) that may be used (overriden by dpi from DDC file so may have to be disabled) but since the dimensions seem to be detected fine already I’d fiddle with xrand and if you’re happy with the results put that in ~/.xprofile or whatever. Here you can set anything without restrictions from the GUI. Example:

xrandr --output DisplayPort-0 --scale 0.8x0.8

Sadly this doesn’t seem to work with Wayland (I tried it even with XWayland for you). There was a project to rewrite xrandr but looks like it never flew. Latest solution to this seems to be wlr-randr that has according to source a --scale parameter but this requires wlr-output-management-unstable-v1 and while this may be in wlroots by now it’s not shipped (for me!) yet. Your mileage may vary.

Tune up your sound with PulseEffects: Microphones by Paul W. FrieldsPaul W. Frields (
The PulseEffects app is a full-featured set of modular effects you can use to adjust sound devices.

TIL: I can enhance sound recording on Linux PC with PulseEffects. Fedora Magazine has a whole article on this including tips on various effects:

“Releases for PC”. Oh we Linux gamers know this phrase well. So it seems that is taking another approach now instead of the usual “PC is not Windows”. Liam changed the wording on the news slightly:

Beyond a Steel Sky to release for Linux PC during July

I like that approach and I shall also use “Linux PC” in the future. And not just for my .


How to install T2X for Thief 2 on Linux? (

T2X Shadows Of The Metal Age main menu [run via Wine]

Good memories 😀 Nice to see I’m not the only nutter who played T2X on

File: /home/beko/.thief2/drive_c/Thief2/t2x/
Size: 4096 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 directory
Device: 97fh/2431d Inode: 127271738 Links: 14
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 1000/ beko) Gid: ( 1000/ beko)
Context: system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0
Access: 2020-05-25 17:42:23.679421134 +0200
Modify: 2012-04-27 23:13:23.844169998 +0200

According to I even wrote a tutorial on this at – and I should really syndicate this back. I’ve a bad feeling this won’t be much longer around.