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Linux, Programming and Gaming

Stuff and Blabla

Neat, looks like Jean finally started blogging again: Hoping for more to come 👍

On Vertical Mouse

Welcome to team Vertical, Liam 😀 Did basically the same some years ago. I also had the choice between CSL and Anker for starting out and read that they are basically the same. After some weeks of getting used to this I noticed that my always sour wrist would feel a lot better. I didn’t like how light the Anker feels tho (and I smashed it all over the table on various occasions due to the unusual height). Eventually I settled with an Autley, that is a somewhat heaver and a lot larger, fitting my hands better. The internal batteries…

Derrr Rrrubikon ist überrrschritten. > Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn, wie kann eine Partei sich nur an allen Fronten derart unwürdig und weltfremd aufführen? Erde an CDU: Ihr habt da ein Problem mit 9 Buchstaben beginnend mit _K_!

Metal is dead

So this is what happens when you stream a game nowadays. That’s all “detected” in-game music. And since Brütal Legend is all about Metal, garnished with gore and swearing, streaming it without would be… I dunno… like being a deaf person in a disco I guess. The funniest one was Facebook. The part where the game glitched out early and played an endless loop of music for 45s got flagged and the stream instantly killed. Fat chance disputing that. The best part? This is supposed to be under a CC-Non Commercial license – I am not monetizing any of this…

The worst thing with broken RSS is that my MicroSub reader can’t inform me about it in any way. Happened a lot before and I notice only weeks later eventually. I wonder how this can be improved.
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