I just set https://simpit.dev/ live.
Primary Buffer Panel – The #SimulatedCockpit On A #Linux PC For More Immersion In #Space Pew Pew
A glorified #DIY joystick controller with an LCD (‘MFD’) and plenty of RGB.
Best viewed WITH an ad-blocker (thanks @stefan)
I’m kinda blind by now after hacking away on this page for days so I’d appreciate feedback.
Especially if something is broken.
@bekopharm @stefan I love the chiclet buttons but how do you know what does what???
@elight working on that. Icons murdercopied with Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License from https://github.com/Ordo-Corona-Stellarum/streamdeck-elite-icons
GitHub – Ordo-Corona-Stellarum/streamdeck-elite-icons: Themeable, language neutral Elite Dangerous icons for Stream Deck with the stream-deck-elite plugin.
@bekopharm Nice! Very cool project, and the site looks great!
@bekopharm @stefan @jalcine ngl, I read that as “simp it dev” 🤣
@thisismissem yeah, happens to everyone. Also the reason why I use camelCase writing. can’t be helped 😣
I just set https://simpit.dev/ live.Primary Buffer Panel – The #SimulatedCockpit On A #Linux PC For More Immersion In #Space Pew PewA glorified #DIY joystick controller…
@bekopharm Looks amazing!It would be brilliant if the main image on the front page was animated – or a video. Would give it an immediate “wow” factor.I’d also put V2 above V1 in the side panel. Makes it easier to see what’s newest.
@Edent Good idea, ty 👍Edith says: Done ✅
@bekopharm @stefan the site says no adblocker detected, but next to using adblock plus I also route trough pi-hole 😂
@martijn that’s odd. Works fine with my uBlock Origin 🤔 Maybe I adapted the WordPress plugin by @stefan wrong. Maybe it’s a bug. Does this also happen on https://beko.famkos.net ?
beko.famkos.net – User Slice of beko
@bekopharm @stefan yep, same message 🫨
@martijn @bekopharm @stefan I have no #adblocker , but use a #pihole and get the message. So it seems ok for me 👍
@Billie heh yeah, PiHoles block by domains and I hope my websites are _not_ on such a block list. I mean I ship my stuff ad-free since 2004 😜
@bekopharm It’s super slow for me. Maybe you are being hugged to death right now?Weirdly, the mp4 player and preview loads in it’s own page just fine.https://linux.simpit.dev/fly-dangerous-with-vf1-simpit.mp4And when I clicked play, it was only a few seconds to start, but then kept buffering every few seconds.You are the only one to know what, if anything this all means! 🙂 BTW, it looks very cool indeed! I’ve seen some progress fotos from you in the past. Bravo!I’m sure things will all work out fine.I really want to see this done! and i’m not a gamer – not even a little bit 🙂 @stefan
@bekopharm Oh yeah, I’m loaded to the gills with ublockorigen and other tracking and ad-unfriendly add-ons. Should have said that.@stefan
@gemlog Haha yes, sorry. It is getting hammered and I’m hosting this in my backyard 😜 Good thing that I mirrored most videos to PeerTube n stuff eh?
@stefan perfect. That’s how I like it. People without should get a warning to get an ad-blocker 🙃
@bekopharm seems you are not, as it works 👍
@bekopharm about peertube, on my little instance, i’m pretty sure the default/recommended was ‘webtorrent’ back when I installed it – or maybe I just chose it, because I like the concept of torrenting 🙂 I don’t know, but it was slow as death and only useful to download with, until I changed the transcoding to HLS with PTP support. But that only effected newly uploaded and transcoded vids. The older ones are still dog slow, of course.Anyhow, love your project. Will you be filling in the rest of the ‘firewall’ below the monitors and so on?
@gemlog Not sure what you mean with “filling in” but I am going to update this as I move along. I’m hoping to get a full cockpit done at some point. Probably in years though.
@Billie @martijn @bekopharm Yes, the options for detecting the various ad-blocking mechanisms are a bit limited.In the current implementation I am trying make the note look like an ad, mostly using CSS classes commonly used by real ads.This approach doesn’t work for DNS-based solutions, but there’s a few other issues, all documented here:https://github.com/stefanbohacek/detect-missing-adblocker/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc+label%3Aad-detection
Issues · stefanbohacek/detect-missing-adblocker
Ah yes, nothing like a last minute blooper introducing 3.5MB for nothing 🤦♂️
Anyway, fixed this one. I’ll take a closer look at other file sizes tomorrow 🥱
@bekopharm I have yet to try and get star citizen working on linux 😀 though I wonder if gameglass would work 🤔
Would you mind if I feature you in the next #LinuxLounge @theradiocc ?
It will take some time, our next broadcast is starting in octobre…
@cosmo probably. I don’t know because I’ve very strong feelings about this. Let me know though out of interest.
@lazalatin @theradiocc not at all. it is all CC 😁