Habe heute morgen im Radio vom sog. “nationalen Hitzeschutzplan” (heat shield act?) gehört und in meiner Naivität fing ich bereits an mich zu fragen was wohl beschlossen werden könnte. Etwa der Rückbau von Parkplätzen? Anpflanzen von Bäumen und Grünanlagen in den Innenstädten, um die Temperaturen dort zu senken? Ausbau von öffentlichen Nahverkehr und Fahrrad-Infrastruktur?

Hier dann die Liste der Maßnahmen soweit:

* Warnung per App/SMS
* Ärzte informieren Ältere und Kranke
* Arbeitsgruppe auf nationaler Ebene (da geht es wohl darum ob und wie[viel] z.B. Krankenhäuser und Pflegeheime gefördert werden könnten um die Räume zu kühlen).

Achso. Wir machen also mal wieder das mit den Fähnchen.

Oh und Spoiler: Wir haben bereits eine App, die vor Hitze warnt. Kommt vom DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst). Die warnt dann halt _jeden verfickten Tag im Sommer GANZ AMTLICH vor Hitze_.

Ja, ich bin gerade sehr gereizt. Ich vertrage Hitze einfach nicht.

Putting this here so I don’t forget it next time: Required packages to build on Linux PC (with joystick output support): dnf install cmake git qt5-qttools-devel qt5-qtbase-private-devel procps-ng-devel opencv-devel libevdev-devel

TIL: “Skype For Business” is not really possible on Linux PC in 2023. There is no native built. It’s “Web App” requires a plugin that comes with an MSI installer. Not that it really matters, since it’s superseded by “Teams”. In theory.

So if you need it anyway you’re not really looking for “Skype”, that may sound similar but has nothing to do with “Skype For Business”, but for “Lync”. Did I say “Lync”? I meant “Office Communicator”. And if you do you’re in luck. There is a Pidgin plugin called “Sipe” which does that. In theory. I couldn’t get it to sign in because my “Office 365” account, that supersedes the BPOS (Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite), has no more “Office Communicator” or “Lync” or “Skype for Business”. It does have “Teams” and to add insult to injury also “Skype”.

There is however an Android app “Skype for Business” and lo and behold it’s on API Level 30 from 2020 so chances are good that it works on most recent devices (it will request all permissions though and refuse to start without). And while I still have no account for this, or the possibility to create one, since Microsoft simply redirects me to “Teams”, I can now open an invitation link in a browser which in turn opens the app again where I now get the previous unavailable option to _join as guest_.

Stay tuned if it picks up the microphone too as there is no speech indicator and no echo chamber to test this. At least video seemed to work fine.

(And hell no I will not even try that with a Google Chrome Brower EXE in Wine)

Toyed with my Steam Link (I still have this as hardware) at the 55″ TV in the living room today. Never tried this before with X4, because I bought X4 on GoG so it’s a “foreign game” for Steam.

It just worked though. Think that’s a little bit too much for gaming (neck hurts already xD) but it was a nice experiment. Maybe with an elevated seat 🤔 …oh and I even tried it via the Steam Link App on my mobile phone – briefly xD

Also tried House Of The Dying Sun this way (little gem, IMHO, even if very short).

Thanks to Google Maps I know now that one of my neighbours has a website, because it picked it up as “business”.

The website was last changed in 2012 and aired in 1999 and was written in HTML 3.2 with StarOffice (on Win32).

I’m humbled.