Gna gna. Found out why my Ace Combat started to crash. The culprit is dwmapi.dll, which is needed for the UE4SS mod (Cheat Engine), so I can adjust the FOV – because the devs kinda “forgot” to add a gorram FOV slider to the game that I NEED and absolutely REQUIRE.

Turns out something in there results in an Access Violation on Start with Proton Experimental (and 9). It works fine with Proton 8. I do not remember switching that but that was the solution in the end 😩

This is after I carefully tried lots of stuff like resetting savegame, disable and remove other mods, fiddle with ini files, read miles of debug logs and whatnot.

Remember my proof concept to read IMU data of my glasses to ?

hodasemi wrote a connector based on the idea that works without : – comes with a systemd service file so it can run in the background.

Once installed the only step left to do is fire up OpenTrack 🤘😄🤘

So I was asked if my head tracking approach of reading the IMU data from my Viture Pro to OpenTrack and SBS (side-by-side) mode with ReShade would also work with StarCitizen.

Guess it does 🤷

Pick your poison to watch the video: /

I start Star Citizen via Lutris (and not with Steam), which requires slightly different settings once ReShade is installed:

Enable Gamescope: ON
Output Resolution: "3840x1080"
Game Resolution: "3840x2160" (set this also ingame!)
Custom Settings: "--scaler stretch"

Can this get you banned? Who knows 🤷 Jury is still out on this. Do I care? Nope. I won’t miss my puny starter pack.


The proof of concept code to read the IMU data can be found at (pending changes).

It works with the Breezy GNOME xr_driver: (but the Vulkan one works probably too but that’s untested). It should also be compatible with other glasses that have IMU for Breezy available.

There is an unlisted SBS version of this video linked in the description. You will need XR glasses that do FULL SBS though to watch it!

My got an awesome upgrade today. It’s a pressure activated heating mat for the seat usually used in cars (12V are 12V 🤷). For the record: I have to heat full power to get my cave to 18C during the wintertime wasting a lot of energy. This doesn’t make much sense so I’m really happy with my solution that I also have in use for my office chair for years now 👌

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown by Bandai Namco Studios Inc.Bandai Namco Studios Inc. (エースコンバット7 スカイズ・アンノウン|バンダイナムコエンターテインメント)

A jet next to a huge explosion in the sky. Two smaller images depict the perspective of the pilot and the player sitting inside a ViperPit playing the game with XR glasses.

Got some help carrying the from the basement into my man cave today and since I got the peripherals operational again already, and got Ace Combat 7 on a sale, which seemed to be a good fit, I decided to play that first: /

Little did I know what a pain in the neck it would be to get this running. No, Linux wasn’t the problem. That was just Press Play, as usual.

There is however no settings menu for joysticks so any mapping has to be done by manually editing the `Input.ini` of the game in an text editor, which is a guessing game. Head tracking is also a no go. I pulled the old trick to map the head tracker to a virtual XBOX controller but the game comes with an annoying deadzone where the camera snaps to the center.

Ah well, got it all working okay-ish in the end and enjoyed some pew pew in the skies. There seem to be plenty of mods too so trying that will be next 🤘

Steam Deck with various controllers

Today we player all together on the 50″ TV in the living room from the [Linux powered] Steam Deck. We used the Viture USB-C adapter, so the Steam Deck didn’t discharge, attached an OTG cable and an ancient USB hub so we could connect our zoo of accumulated controllers. This way we could all play together the Windows game GoGo Town in early access 😁

Whole family playing together over one Steam Deck
Whole family playing together over one Steam Deck

What a time to be alive.

🔥 Hell Yes! added UDP support for native under and I can finally talk about it 🤓 Yes! Yes! 🚀

🎥 I was to happy about it that I even did a recording while I had a bad cold and was hoarse just to show it off: or

✍ Took a while but it’s now in the open beta for 7.50

It’s great to see another company embracing open standards and care for their niche gamers too ❤️