This uses my X4-SimPit extension for X4: Foundations, that sends ship telemetry via a socket to my node-red plumbing pipeline, which in turn forwards data to Websockets, SocketIO and MQTT. Various subscriber listen on the new messages to run blinken lights and my HUD app. I’m using the well known message format also used by Elite Dangerous so it’s compatible with that game as well.
X4-SimPit code (pending changes) is here: The cockpit panel has a dedicated project page here:
So… this is news to me, because I don’t have a #VR headset, but I can set my #Viture Pro #XR glasses into #SBS (side by side) mode by pressing the small button longer. Some games, like #EliteDangerous, can do this as well without fiddling around with Reshade. I didn’t really expect it but it just works. This way I even get 3D on foot, which is not supported for VR in Elite Dangerous Odyssey at all! Side by side Crosseye mode (right eye left, left eye right) though? Add some head tracking to the mix, which is totally possible, and I get a very nice VR-like experience even on foot in Elite Dangerous – and on Linux PC!
The FOV is somewhat cramped. No idea if this can be tweaked any further but I’ll fiddle with the settings on my next test. Mebbe this can be tweaked (or I use #Breezy Desktop to zoom in somewhat).
Update: I got the aspect ratio somewhat under control. It’s not perfect but much better and an odd combination of window mode and resolution and upscaling, that somehow affects the HUD only but make no sense to me at all. At this point I think it’s simply a bug of Elite. It’s like the HUD doesn’t get the memo to scale up after the intro played. I’m also not sure if this is a side effect of gamescope but I can totally live with this result (though it does start to stutter somewhat on foot but recording this at the same time somewhat overwhelms my rig anyway). These are my gamescope settings with Steam:
Max-scale is probably not needed but it was started with this so I won’t omit it now.
The ingame settings are 1280×960 and windowed with _NO BORDER_. Every other mode broke the aspect ratio even more! That is also true for 1920×1024, which would have made _some_ sense to me at least, but this did also NOT work FOR ME.
This results in a pixelated HUD which is worked around with upscaler INTERNAL or AMD CAS cranked to x2 – AMD FSR did NOT WORK.
If someone could enlighten me on this: Bring it!
`@ozoned` interviewed me on my home cockpit on a live stream via his #Owncast instance at This is a more condensed version of the stream that is still just 1h shy. We’re going over almost every feature of my Primary Buffer Panel and I explain how everything works. I also decided to add various photos, slideshows or video snippets during the talk only sections so things don’t get too boring. Sometimes that even complements the talks 😄
Ever wondered how to start your own DIY #homeCockpit / #SimPit on? It’s easy. Just watch this stream 🤓
I held an online presentation and talk for 2h about #LinuxGaming some weeks ago **in German**. The presentation itself (20m) went live today with **English subtitles** on the channel of (Stellanebula project lead). I mention #X4Foundations as example for native games but the main focus is, due to the audience: a huge German Elite Dangerous wing, focused on #EliteDangerous (and some #StarCitizen for good measure). I’m going to release the talk that happened after this eventually but I have to cut this first, which is _a lot_ of work, so no promises yet. Mebbe this is of interest for someone else too:
This presentation was made for absolute beginners as intro into the topic #GamingOnLinux.
Made some progress on the HUD (I think I need a name for that). It does provide me with some additional informations depending on what I’m doing. The Route Plan e.g. disappears automatically when the destination is reached (yeah yeah the Jump count is off, will fix that eventually).
Same for scan targets – that also reveal bounties (with rewards in Cr so I know if it’s worth the hassle :D).
Modding my X4: Foundations into using the same data format as Elite Dangerous does so I can run my SimPit without changes. Things are coming together nicely 😀
Here are the humble beginnings[1] of a working example to read the ship status of #x4foundations in a format very similar to the Status File of #EliteDangerous
Both games are quite similar and by using a “well established” format it should be possible to use this with existing companion apps – like my own #SimPit
It uses the “Named Pipe API” of “sn_mod_support_apis” – on #Linux PC 😁 This was not supported by this MOD so far but I made it work.
Well, at least on my machine 🤓
And yes, the pipe server works with some minor adjustments for other _existing_ apps as well. Here is a demo of #X4ExternalApp with a data feed directly from X4: Foundations – it does not use the #X4PythonPipeServer though, since that is not really needed, so I had to make some small adjustments in it’s connection routine but that was like 2 lines of code 🤷
I’m wondering how to present ultra wide screenshots for a while now, because most people will not have an ultra wide display at hand or not run their browser in fullscreen on such a device. A scaled down version with retained ratio also just don’t really cut it:
Now what if we could wrap this in some sort of 360° image? This isn’t really 360°, of course but you get the idea. A quick search usually yields JS libs like Pannellum (, which look great for this use-case as well and yes we could also solve this in CSS by using an animation and go for a little camera ride.
What if we could optionally also make use of a gyroscope though? You know, that sensor every mobile phone, tablet and VR device comes along with. So the user could device where to look just by moving the device around?
This was when I stumbled over A-Frame (, which is basically a library for building 3D AR or VR experiences and while I may only scratching it’s surface with my quick tests here it does deliver exactly what I was looking for.
I built demos for various games today and I don’t know how long I’ll host the files here but they all follow the very same code pattern that I’ll add in the end:
Please be aware that I’m loading a ~5mb blob of JS code directly from A-Frame in the demos so don’t check them out if that is a problem for you. The image asset adds another whopping MB so please be patient. The best experience is on a mobile phone where you should be able to look around by moving the phone left and right. It works on a desktop browser too where the mouse can be used to look around.
Feel free to copy this snippet and play around with it. Just keep in mind that you have to use _local_ assets too or they won’t show up. Make sure to read the documentation too and play with the built in inspector opened with the key combination ctrl + alt + i.
And yes I’ll happily take a CSS only variant too but I really doubt that’s possible without loosing features like gyroscope data usage.