I like eye-candy for my and for the longest time I did override the generic icon for missing SVGs via CSS. This never fixed the titles thought and after starting to mass non descriptive links all named “website” I started to dig into the code class-relme-domain-icon-map.php of the plugin.

Update: Well fck, the entire svg folder gets replaced on update of the IndieWeb plugin. Good idea to backup additional SVGs so they can be copied back on Update. Proxmox snapshot for the win!

Turns out Rel_Me_Domain_Icon_Map does some file system shacking for unknown domains in wp-content/plugins/indieweb/static/svg/ so I fixed myself some symbolic links:

discuss-dot-tchncs-dot-de.svg -> lemmy.svg
live-dot-famkos-dot-net.svg -> owncast.svg
nerdpol-dot-ch.svg -> diaspora.svg
social-dot-tchncs-dot-de.svg -> mastodon.svg
t-dot-me.svg -> telegram.svg
tube-dot-tchncs-dot-de.svg -> peertube.svg

The title is read directly from the SVG so adding a title tag so custom SVGs helps with that.

That’s a lot of CSS that I can remove now 🤓

🤓 Painted the button box, added more buttons and the LCD and set it to playing the DRADIS animation[1] of the Pegasus just for show:

Next is wiring everything up (and when that is done finishing the frame for the display) and add decals.

Same thing really to see how it feels:

[1] The Loop was created by David Gian-Cursio (https://www.gian-cursio.net/2016/07/battlestar-pegasus-dradis-screens/) for Diaspora: Shattered Armistice (a total conversion for the FreeSpace Open engine).

Kids got to pick movies yesterday. Beside one of the Dragons movies (again 😩 ) they surprisingly settled on . That was surprisingly a lot of fun and I really dig the art style and that totally weird combination of a self isolating medieval town set in a Sci-Fi setting. Which… you know… kinda totally nails two of my interests 🤓

Would watch again 👌

Heh, 3rd time I used the to bring the little one to the day nanny. The new child seat works great.

It’s a different model that is strapped on the rack and not to the frame itself like the old child seat. The old one was sadly not compatible with the higher rack of the new[1] eBike. Ah well.

I need exactly the same time like with the car but at the same time I get some workout done and really do not need a coffee afterwards any more. Win win 😁

eBike with the battery pack behind the saddle within the rackincreasing the height of the rack _a lot_.

[1] Got a good deal on a 2nd hand eBike

Habe heute morgen im Radio vom sog. “nationalen Hitzeschutzplan” (heat shield act?) gehört und in meiner Naivität fing ich bereits an mich zu fragen was wohl beschlossen werden könnte. Etwa der Rückbau von Parkplätzen? Anpflanzen von Bäumen und Grünanlagen in den Innenstädten, um die Temperaturen dort zu senken? Ausbau von öffentlichen Nahverkehr und Fahrrad-Infrastruktur?

Hier dann die Liste der Maßnahmen soweit:

* Warnung per App/SMS
* Ärzte informieren Ältere und Kranke
* Arbeitsgruppe auf nationaler Ebene (da geht es wohl darum ob und wie[viel] z.B. Krankenhäuser und Pflegeheime gefördert werden könnten um die Räume zu kühlen).

Achso. Wir machen also mal wieder das mit den Fähnchen.

Oh und Spoiler: Wir haben bereits eine App, die vor Hitze warnt. Kommt vom DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst). Die warnt dann halt _jeden verfickten Tag im Sommer GANZ AMTLICH vor Hitze_.

Ja, ich bin gerade sehr gereizt. Ich vertrage Hitze einfach nicht.