Checked out #NodeRED to parse #EliteDangerous ship status and forward it to another Node-RED via websocket to a #RaspberryPi to drive some LED status indicators in my #simPit. Proof of concept went just nicely
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Found another #simpit build/er. All DIY and as cheap as possible: – even did the prototyping with cardboard just as I do 😀
Fun enough while I was evaluating Node-Red for the interfacing job. Someone else had the same idea before: What is good enough for home automation to connect a zoo of hardware and offer basic options to drive such must be good enough for a simulated cockpit that can be connected to various games in the end to display status indicators. Awesome!
On visiting timber-framed public houses the story that the building’s timbers were re-used from a ship will frequently crop up. Such claims are made at the White Horse, Sibton (Suffolk) and the Green Man, Hurst (Berkshire). At the Ship Inn, Southfleet (Kent) the buil...
Rather interesting article on the myth of reused ship timbers:
Hell yeah, #Fedora and the #OBSstudio experience:
Oh gods I can’t tell how much the dialogs that pop up every time I open OBS Studio annoy me because it can’t remember or recover previous screencasts and I’ve plenty in my scenes. That’s my most sour point after switching to #Wayland nowadays. Real heroes at work right there!
Golden Viper
I finished an expedition in #NoMansSky and the reward is this golden _almost_ colonial #BSG viper that should be right down my alley. I also learnt some new words: Garish, gaudy and vulgar (thanks internet people :D)

More #xrandr shenanigans:
I approve ♥
Show me your lsb release
Did you know that hostnamectl
also has a host parameter?
for i in {bob,alice,steam,punk,younameit}; do echo "$i:"; hostnamectl --host "$i" status | grep -A1 "Operating System"; done
Sometimes this is a faster way to compile a quick list instead of asking Monitoring.
I may have just realized that my first #NoMansSky was in fact #KoronisRift and now I feel very old 🤓
Vulkan Raytracing may exist
Wow. Most of this went right over my head but I get excited just from reading about this sort of stuff
I mean I did play with ray tracing to some extend with Wings3D and the POV-Ray and YafaRay ray tracing programs back than and I still use it for some speed modelling. In fact the last time I touched this was this very year and I was so happy that at least YafaRay did Just Work™ on my Fedora Linux PC.
I re-used a scene that I created over a decade ago and while the result had slightly different lightning it isn’t really noticeable after converting and compression of the rendered files.
So yeah people, please do keep this stuff alive, k thanks 😀
Haha, damn it @edent, I almost snorted my coffee all over the place at “I hacked my blog’s theme just so I could rate it with zero stars” 🤣🤣