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Showing off new features for my home cockpit: Priority alerts, sounds and more status indicators
15 Comments on Showing off new features for my home cockpit: Priority alerts, sounds and more status indicators
This uses my X4-SimPit extension for X4: Foundations, that sends ship telemetry via a socket…
Linux, Programming and Gaming
Stuff and Blabla
Heh, I really have to find out how to not DoS myself whenever a blog article gets pushed via #ActivityPub 🤓
So… in laws had an issue with their web radio “not connecting to the net”. WiFi was always spotty in that location but now it stopped completely. Turns out that thing retrieves a channel list from grundig dot vtuner dot com and while the general vtuner website still works the server for #grundig does time out. Apparently the model in question is no longer supported as well. Didn’t dig further. In laws decided to buy a newer model. In other words: Repeating the same mistake again. Cloud 💩
It’s that time of the year again. It’s _cold_ outside and I sit at my PC anyway so let’s crunch some numbers to heat up the place: > Dez 04 11:31:35 morpheus boinc[20347]: 04-Dec-2023 11:31:35 [World Community Grid] Requesting new tasks for CPU > Dez 04 11:31:37 morpheus boinc[20347]: 04-Dec-2023 11:31:37 [World Community Grid] Scheduler request failed: HTTP service unavailable Or not. AGAIN? FFS, how long has this migration been going? Feels like nothing changed compared to last year. * DNS works: dig +short > * HTTP works: curl * The WCG server? Not so much: <html><body><h1>503…
Using waxed cloth instead of plastic
Trying to eradicate #plastic waste from the household is hard! I mean beside obvious stuff, like soap instead of shampoo, it’s literally everywhere. I was just introduced to a more unexpected solution by ‘Dimicator’, who’s work I’m following closely for some years now. Roland suggests waxed cloth even in the fridge and not just for #livingHistory or #reenactment – a very #medieval solution: He also helpfully explains how to #DIY waxed cloth: No first hand experience on this yet but tbf we’re already _not_ wrapping food in _single use_ plastic anyway. It is intriguing though. I mean people…
Apparently #FreeSpace2 Open got a #VR feature and FekLeyrTarg demos it using #Diaspora 🤔 Pretty rad 👍 #BSG #BattleStarGalactica
Mobility and Electric Vehicles
Twike 5
Wie niedlich: – wenn ich groß, reich und schön bin will so was definitiv haben! Der @robinvonrobintv hat dazu ein Video gemacht: #Twike #electromobility
Mediaeval and History
Historic silver mine Hallwangen
Visited the abandoned silver/copper/barite mine in Hallwangen, 72280 Germany. It’s a rather interesting one as…