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Linux, Programming and Gaming

Stuff and Blabla

Heh, I really have to find out how to not DoS myself whenever a blog article gets pushed via 🤓

So… in laws had an issue with their web radio “not connecting to the net”. WiFi was always spotty in that location but now it stopped completely. Turns out that thing retrieves a channel list from grundig dot vtuner dot com and while the general vtuner website still works the server for does time out. Apparently the model in question is no longer supported as well. Didn’t dig further. In laws decided to buy a newer model. In other words: Repeating the same mistake again. Cloud 💩

Heh, the idea of Twitiverse didn’t age well eh? 4 years later: Threads implements ActivityPub. X: Hold my beer.

It’s that time of the year again. It’s _cold_ outside and I sit at my PC anyway so let’s crunch some numbers to heat up the place: > Dez 04 11:31:35 morpheus boinc[20347]: 04-Dec-2023 11:31:35 [World Community Grid] Requesting new tasks for CPU > Dez 04 11:31:37 morpheus boinc[20347]: 04-Dec-2023 11:31:37 [World Community Grid] Scheduler request failed: HTTP service unavailable Or not. AGAIN? FFS, how long has this migration been going? Feels like nothing changed compared to last year. * DNS works: dig +short > * HTTP works: curl * The WCG server? Not so much: <html><body><h1>503…

USB hotel almost completely occupied. Something something nature is healing. Image: A cardboard box filled with empty toilet paper rolls up-cycled as USB / cable holders.

Ick bin im Radio: bei 1:39:40 🤓

Using waxed cloth instead of plastic

Trying to eradicate waste from the household is hard! I mean beside obvious stuff, like soap instead of shampoo, it’s literally everywhere. I was just introduced to a more unexpected solution by ‘Dimicator’, who’s work I’m following closely for some years now. Roland suggests waxed cloth even in the fridge and not just for or – a very solution: He also helpfully explains how to waxed cloth: No first hand experience on this yet but tbf we’re already _not_ wrapping food in _single use_ plastic anyway. It is intriguing though. I mean people…

Ja das ist so richtig schwer :-/ Jedenfalls viel Erfolg bei der Suche!

Apparently Open got a feature and FekLeyrTarg demos it using 🤔 Pretty rad 👍
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