Primary Buffer Panel

Linux, Programming and Gaming

Stuff and Blabla

First time in the new computer room and in months that I run my . I really missed that 🤓



Adulted much and did lots of mundane tasks in the house recently. Including some plumbing that was really overdue. Water starts to become my arch nemesis in our ageing building and leaks really do not improve over time. On my list were 4 siphons, that needed replacement, a shower hose and a shower head. Some of this stuff was only held together by varnish and replacing all this was a mess. Anyway, what I find really great is that some of the required parts could be obtained in environmental friendly packaging. Namely the shower head and three of the siphons.…

Indeed. Always worth to take a closer look at indexes when SQL queries are too slow 👍

Beware, my Witcher medallion is vibrating. False alarm. The cat started purring 😁

Mastodon Does Microformats, ActivityPub Does Check-Ins and Travel Plans:

This is why especially the IndieWeb people are adamant about that everyone should be their own identity provider on the net and not give that role away to any silo|3rd party. Yes, a domain costs (just like a phone number). Even if it just holds a single page referencing “official” profiles. I’m aware that this isn’t an identity check but it’s enough to tell profile equivalence and this is the more important part. BTW: Love your books 🤓

Special evening in the park. Seen wolves, lynxes and bears. Including this cuddly fellow here. Not that I’d try to cuddle em for real 😅 Jon built a smoke machine into his and explains how not to do this at home and why this is a bad (albeit fun) idea 🤓😂
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Mobility and Electric Vehicles

Mediaeval and History