'Eat local' is a common recommendation to reduce the carbon footprint of your diet. How does the impact of what you eat compare to where it's come from?
Author Archives: Beko Pharm
Feeling cute, may respect someone later, idk
Eigentlich wollte ich über Menschen schreiben bzw. mein Unverständnis, wieso und warum… aber dann dachte ich mir, les dir doch nochmal alte Blogbeiträge durch und stieß auf folgendes… … und erkenne, dass ich zwei davon regelmäßiger tue 😊 Ohne mir dessen wirklich bewusst zu sein, dass ich das angehen wollte! Im vergangenen und diesem Jahr […]
❤️ https://www.hackster.io/news/an-amazing-diy-cockpit-perfect-for-flight-and-space-sims-831f6715f211
Thanks for the flowers @CameronCoward. Cheers 🙂
Take a moment to go and look up some photos of the cockpits of airplanes and spacecraft. All of them are packed full of instruments and controls. So why do we feel like we can play a flight simulator with a regular gamepad? If you’re doing so, then you’re missing out on a lot of […]
Oh wow, that was unexpected but Arduino themselves featured my ~~fire hazard~~ simulated cockpit on their blog: https://blog.arduino.cc/2023/09/21/piloting-spaceships-with-a-diy-cockpit/.
Yes I am totally hyperventilating right now. That was unexpected and I only know because someone asked if this is mine 🤓
Gotta admit though: I’d have liked linking to the primary source better. Namely this blog or https://SimPit.dev but… details.
So I’ve moved Thin Lizzy to Sawley Marina now with the help of a retired, experienced boating couple. There was a weir to pass on the way over plus some parking required, and having their help was amazing. I’m slotted in to a bankside berth with an electric and water bollard right in front of […]
Historic silver mine Hallwangen
Visited the abandoned silver/copper/barite mine in Hallwangen, 72280 Germany. It’s a rather interesting one as it dates back to #medieval times and is still excavated by voluntary workers. The earliest record found dates back to 12C and the upper mining gallery “Himmlisch Heer” shows markings that are the result of hand tools while the second gallery “Irmgardsglück” has holes for explosives drilled with machines powered by compressed air. That part also has wider tunnels while the upper part is mostly crawl spaces.
The mine was abandoned and reopened several times for different reasons. The last activity was in 1912 and some stuff like an old rail for push carts and parts of electric installations can still be seen to this day.
I liked especially that we were allowed to walk through the mine at our own pace. I remember a visit to another mine where we were ushered along so fast that the children had trouble keeping up. Not so in this case. Our guide was very friendly and described everything in an exciting way so the children would even pay attention 😀
Speaking of, the guide noticed my interest in the medieval part of the mine and recommended me the De Re Metallica (yes, like the band 🤘) by Georg Agricola, which is apparently a treasure drove on historic mining operations (and myths) and lucky me: A translation in English is available on Project Gutenberg (as well as the original Latin text) – figures included.
I can totally recommend a tour. We got to see a lot of interesting stuff packaged with fascinating stories and explanations. Been to some mines in my life already but seldom did I get to see so many details in such tiny tunnels. Granted, most mines were rather modern and huge drilled exclusively with modern machines.
If you visit don’t forget to greet the tunnel at the entrance with the classic “Glück auf!” shout of the local miners for safe passage and fortune.
dark place
Crawled around in some dark places today. Visited an old silver mine that goes back to #medieval times. What an interesting place.
Edith says: Article is up: https://beko.famkos.net/2023/09/17/historic-silver-mine-hallwangen/
Primary Buffer Panel – The simulated cockpit on a Linux PC for more immersion in Space Pew Pew
I just set https://simpit.dev/ live.
Primary Buffer Panel – The #SimulatedCockpit On A #Linux PC For More Immersion In #Space Pew Pew
A glorified #DIY joystick controller with an LCD (‘MFD’) and plenty of RGB.
Best viewed WITH an ad-blocker (thanks @stefan)
I’m kinda blind by now after hacking away on this page for days so I’d appreciate feedback.
Especially if something is broken.