Trying to eradicate waste from the household is hard! I mean beside obvious stuff, like soap instead of shampoo, it’s literally everywhere. I was just introduced to a more unexpected solution by ‘Dimicator’, who’s work I’m following closely for some years now. Roland suggests waxed cloth even in the fridge and not just for or – a very solution:

He also helpfully explains how to waxed cloth:

No first hand experience on this yet but tbf we’re already _not_ wrapping food in _single use_ plastic anyway. It is intriguing though. I mean people did fine without plastic for food supplies for centuries, no? 🤷

Tätigkeiten, die mir Freude machen II (

Ideen umsetzen, was das Blog betrifft – gestern z.B. die Simple Lightbox installiert, da die Meow-Lightbox (warum auch immer 🤔) nicht auf Anhieb funktionierte. Gestern abend dann noch nach CSS-Selektoren geschaut, um die Webmentions und das Webmention-Formular dem Theme anzupassen. Heute morgen zusätzliches CSS ins Theme eingefügt und voilá 😊 Hach 🥹 Endlich wieder! Das […]

Ja das ist so richtig schwer :-/ Jedenfalls viel Erfolg bei der Suche!

Another night in the verse 🚀

Made some progress on the HUD (I think I need a name for that). It does provide me with some additional informations depending on what I’m doing. The Route Plan e.g. disappears automatically when the destination is reached (yeah yeah the Jump count is off, will fix that eventually).

Same for scan targets – that also reveal bounties (with rewards in Cr so I know if it’s worth the hassle :D).

Really like where this is going.

Piloting spaceships with a DIY cockpit by Arduino TeamArduino Team (

Take a moment to go and look up some photos of the cockpits of airplanes and spacecraft. All of them are packed full of instruments and controls. So why do we feel like we can play a flight simulator with a regular gamepad? If you’re doing so, then you’re missing out on a lot of […]

Oh wow, that was unexpected but Arduino themselves featured my ~~fire hazard~~ simulated cockpit on their blog:

Yes I am totally hyperventilating right now. That was unexpected and I only know because someone asked if this is mine 🤓

Gotta admit though: I’d have liked linking to the primary source better. Namely this blog or but… details.

Narrowboat log: September 2023 (

So I’ve moved Thin Lizzy to Sawley Marina now with the help of a retired, experienced boating couple. There was a weir to pass on the way over plus some parking required, and having their help was amazing. I’m slotted in to a bankside berth with an electric and water bollard right in front of […]
