Da sind wir nun: am Ende der 2. Woche Homeschooling. Ich muss an dieser Stelle zu allererst meine Kinder loben. Unermüdlich sind sie dran geblieben. Keinen einzigen Wochentag haben sie auch nur in Frage gestellt, dass die Schule weitergehen muss. Jeden Tag saßen sie gemeinsam an unserem Esstisch u...
Week: 13

Development blog for GNOME Shell and Mutter: https://blogs.gnome.org/shell-dev/
It is a bit like an endless Sunday yes. The empty streets, and until now the sunshine. Except maybe for the deluge of conference calls I get pulled into, which is more akin to fighting flood waters at the front door. Need to find me some digital twins to sand bags. The perpetual Sunday feeling made ...
Nice article you found there @jlelse – and as you know I’m one of your #RSS followers. To be more specific my blog does follow your feed and exposes it to me via #MicroSub again – usually to my mobile phone thanks to Indigenous for Android 😀
MicroBlog 6 months free for teachers
Nice, MicroBlog offers free 6-months hosting for #teachers – including podcasts and short videos:
I evaluated it some weeks ago and I’m really impressed with it so far.
I gotta say, youtube-dl
is freakin awesome. Syndicated back my videos from Youtube and Vimeo. Worked like a charm. It also converts formats and places subtitles in the desired output format next to it. Finding out how to get all into HTML5 was the most work [for me] while the server crunched the numbers. No need to strain my poor internet connection at home at all 😀
Hej Marty,
in case you also have to bridge the time waiting for part 9 of The Expanse series, like I do, I suggest Expeditionary Force series: https://beko.famkos.net/2020/03/07/columbus-day 😀
Marketers live in the world of data privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, and the world where browsers block third-party cookie-based tracking. Here’s how you can grow your site and startup by practicing ethical marketing. And it’s only going to get more challenging with further regulations...