Primary Buffer Panel

Linux, Programming and Gaming

Stuff and Blabla

WebSub Thoughts

I’m finally getting the idea of (or PubSubHubbub). This helped a lot: Shame that there are not many readers (specially foss) out there so I wonder if I should bother with this at all. Didn’t like any of this short list (dogfooding and all) 😕

Autos auf Radwegen

Mir rutscht bei sowas immer direkt ein “Ich sehe Sie wurden wohl auch nie mit einer höheren Bildung gequält” raus xD

Winter is coming

Ffs, it’s 11°C in my office. I guess the tee season started.


Yeah, that’s something 😀 Takes some time to wrap the head around. Good luck with the next steps – like microformats2 😉 👍
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Mobility and Electric Vehicles

Mediaeval and History