Some WebSub-Atom observations by fluffyfluffy (
As part of testing my WebSub changes for FoF, I decided to switch to a WebSub hub for myself that provides some subscriber analytics and so on. One neat thing about how WebSub works is that the "hub" layer is completely modular and it really doesn't matter at all which one you use, and if the one you use has problems you can switch to another one just by changing the URL in your feed and all subscribers will eventually seamlessly migrate (at their next normal polling interval); if anyone even notices a problem it will just be that they don't receive a push update during that polling interval. (Which, let's be honest, is *incredibly* unlikely for most RSS feeds.)

I’m finally getting the idea of (or PubSubHubbub).

This helped a lot:

Shame that there are not many readers (specially foss) out there so I wonder if I should bother with this at all. Didn’t like any of this short list (dogfooding and all) 😕

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