Ich sitze hier in der Ferienwohnung, höre gurrende Tauben und Vogelgezwitscher durch das offene Fenster und mir geht es so richtig gut. Eben konnten wir ein Reh beobachten, welches im winzigen Gart…
Ich sitze hier in der Ferienwohnung, höre gurrende Tauben und Vogelgezwitscher durch das offene Fenster und mir geht es so richtig gut. Eben konnten wir ein Reh beobachten, welches im winzigen Gart…
Due to recent #LikeAViking a quick catch up on actual history this way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbchlhlMLPE
Also #valheim is the #viking game I’m looking for 🙂
Indeed. #valheim is so #feautiful even with all the pixels 😀 Usually I wouldn’t touch such pixel piles but this one somehow strikes a chord 💕. No idea how you manage to achieve this.
We’ll need a bigger BOW.
"I’m not a #Viking but I want to become one when I’m grown up". Daughter, 6. And somehow I’m proud 😁
Skuldcraft was born a few years ago out of the need to create and connect with nature. Horn, bone, wood and stones come together in unique items inspired by nature, history and apotropaic magic. Whether you're looking for an everyday amulet, an altar decoration or just a lucky charm, this is the place for you.
I’m not much into jewellery myself but maybe some of my #viking or #medieaval fellows find something to their liking at SkuldCraft. The owner offers handmade jewellery and ornaments made from bones, feathers, stones and other items found in nature. I got an awesome print from this shop on my last birthday when it was only on FB. Looks like it’s also on Etsy now and has a discount going:
Being based upon an actual model removed from the 10th Century Gokstad ship.
Find details on how to make a 10th century norwegian bed on http://www.livinghistory.co.uk/homepages/oakley/bedplan.html