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Linux, Programming and Gaming

Stuff and Blabla

Leaf blowers

Our village in numbers: Residents: ~900 Region area: ~5.500.000 m² Neighbours with leaf blower fetish: 1 Why?

Reads like Pratchett

Oh… das Intro von @falkoloeffler liest sich ja fast wie von Pratchett. Gleich mal nach ReadLater gedingst 👍

It’s kinda ironic that your code snipped exposed missing sanitation and escaping in my RSS aggregator and reader. Reported upstream xD

when uptime was a thing

It’s the small things. Like `htop` showing this exclamation mark with an uptime over 100 days. Back then a number of pride, nowadays [without live kernel patching] more a warning of all the skipped patches.

Container all the things

Internet must be in a really bad shape when the first extension recommended by @firefox is `Facebook Container` from @mozilla – way before the first adblocker shows up 😔

RSS not dead yet

Writeup about and why we should keep using it:

Say yes to RSS

I was going to reply there as well, Kiri, but I also feel that there should be no need to require yet another centralized platform for this action. So what if someone tells you that there is another kind to like, share or subscribe that can also make use of RSS but goes way beyond? Great article btw. I also have some version that even Wayback Machine can no longer recover. I’ve a backup on CD but no reader want’s to read it any more – probably better this way 🤷
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Mobility and Electric Vehicles

Mediaeval and History