Unpopular opinion on video tutorials: Cut the chatter in the beginning and get down to the case. Make a VLOG [or else] for the rest. It’s painful to dig through ~30m of video for bits of information.

TIL: Wales is so very backwater that they don’t seem to know about (or or or Boffer Wars or…). Some dude wearing obvious fantasy gear and a clear as daylight _FOAM_ stick gets jumped at gunpoint by police:


Hint: It’s not even a “fake sword” or a trainer (waster). It’s a _toy_.

I can relate btw. We did “train” with our toys in the park a decade ago already and police was curious but polite.

Later even with blunt steel.

They never jumped us at gunpoint.

Ah… okay. Google Authenticator got this update that allows export/import to new device.

Can anyone tell me how this works in detail?

I read nothing is stored in the Cloud. That’s fine for me.

Is it all in the QR code displayed?

Asking because I’m going to factory reset and wipe my phone and I’m not looking forward to restore every 2FA token.

Boost appreciated.

Yessss. Finally. I can take serious:

We’ve just launched OpenPandemics, a new research effort to help scientists at Scripps Research look for potential treatments for COVID-19. Please join us by contributing your computer’s power to the search.The World Community Grid team



Spent half the night to wrap my head around this and finally getting somewhere with and and a loopback device so I can stream this “as fake webcam” over WebRTC in video conferences.

Getting this to run (and smooth!) on was a PITA. Who would have guessed. And all because I don’t want a “streaming” service or some gorram gold membership in a specific video conference “app”.

Expect an article!