FIY Should update within 24h

It’s a 6dof racing game with a flight model similar to .

It does have a version but the world gen lib is single threaded on Linux so Proton may be a better choice for now.

It also features access to full ship telemetry and head tracking including OpenTrack via UDP thanks to my nagging 🤪

No idea about VR. Apparently it works but I can’t test that.

Interesting. by suggests a logo for Free Software. It’s licensed as CC0 (No copyright) for free use. This can be used to indicate / instead of using a company logo like e.g. from GitHub Inc., that may be used to _host_ free or open software but has a distinct logo of it’s own (the Octocat logo is a registered trademark).

It reminds me a lof of the Open Share and Open Source icon e.g. of the OpenWeb Icons set by and may even be a nice addition.

“OSS compliance with privacy by default and design” – Cristina DeLisle (
Privacy is becoming more and more central in shaping the future of tech and the data protection legislation has contributed significantly to making this happen. Privacy by default and design are core principles that are fundamental to how software should be envisioned. The GDPR that came into the spotlight has a strong case to become a standard even outside European borders, influencing the way we protect personal data. However its impact might be, its implementation is still in its infancy. OSS has found itself facing the situation and one aspect which is particularly interesting on the tech side is how to incorporate the principles of privacy by default and design into the software that we build.

Hard to follow due to a lot of head movement without the mic following but a very important topic and interesting talk about especially in combination with the and

Hat tip

Episode 6: Paid Distros and Linux Laptops by Jason EvangelhoJason Evangelho from Linux For Everyone
Do you feel locked in to buying a laptop from a 'Linux laptop' company? Would you pay for your favorite Linux distro? All this + a Discovery of the Week double dose, Liam's favorite new Linux game and more!

Latest in my podcast list: Linux For Everyone [EP6] is out for some days now and today I had the time to listen to it – thank you @KillYourFM ♥️

Managing credentials with KeePassXC - Fedora Magazine by Marco Sarti (Fedora Magazine)
A previous article discussed password management tools that use server-side technology. These tools are very interesting and suitable for a cloud installation.In this article we will talk about KeePassXC, a simple multi-platform open source software that uses a local file as a database.The main advantage of this type of password management is simplicity. No server-side …

I like how this article about KeePassXC mentions the SSH agent integration [that is usually skipped in such articles]. Good stuff: