Primary Buffer Panel
Interview: In depth walkthrough of my Primary Buffer Panel / `@ozoned` interviewed me on my home cockpit on a live stream via…
Linux, Programming and Gaming
Stuff and Blabla
Climate catastrophe
That dreaded feeling to run out of time in well-considered words:
Mastodon on Bridgy
Very cool. Now I just need a way to subscribe to my feed via Microsub 🤔
WordPress Indieweb Website in 2019
Great overview of useful plugins for a typical Indieweb WordPress Website. Wish I’d have seen this months ago.
WordPress Indieweb website in 2019
Great overview of useful plugins for a typical Indieweb WordPress Website. Wish I’d have seen this months ago.
Mobility and Electric Vehicles
Twike 5
Wie niedlich: – wenn ich groß, reich und schön bin will so was definitiv haben! Der @robinvonrobintv hat dazu ein Video gemacht: #Twike #electromobility
Mediaeval and History
Historic silver mine Hallwangen
Visited the abandoned silver/copper/barite mine in Hallwangen, 72280 Germany. It’s a rather interesting one as…