Checked out #NodeRED to parse #EliteDangerous ship status and forward it to another Node-RED via websocket to a #RaspberryPi to drive some LED status indicators in my #simPit. Proof of concept went just nicely
Kind: Notes
Hell yeah, #Fedora and the #OBSstudio experience:
Oh gods I can’t tell how much the dialogs that pop up every time I open OBS Studio annoy me because it can’t remember or recover previous screencasts and I’ve plenty in my scenes. That’s my most sour point after switching to #Wayland nowadays. Real heroes at work right there!
Golden Viper
I finished an expedition in #NoMansSky and the reward is this golden _almost_ colonial #BSG viper that should be right down my alley. I also learnt some new words: Garish, gaudy and vulgar (thanks internet people :D)

Show me your lsb release
Did you know that hostnamectl
also has a host parameter?
for i in {bob,alice,steam,punk,younameit}; do echo "$i:"; hostnamectl --host "$i" status | grep -A1 "Operating System"; done
Sometimes this is a faster way to compile a quick list instead of asking Monitoring.
I may have just realized that my first #NoMansSky was in fact #KoronisRift and now I feel very old 🤓
Multicrew done right
I tell you, #EliteDangerous multicrew is the best when done right. Today I wasn’t in charge tho and had to watch most of the time while the little one cracked asteroid after asteroid 😀
So shiny
The Primary Buffer Panel got some new buttons today. So shiny! The ICP is starting to shape up. For more immersion in my #simPit – pew pew. And big thanks to IcedPhenix and Eaggra who both kept me company during the rather boring parts and me going!

Fascinating, a peek behind the scenes of sound designing for #FlyDangerous
OMG, I found a legitimate and personal mail in my mailbox. That’s probably the first between all the spam and informational crap since… I dunno… what year is it? 😅
Oh, #Satisfactory landed HIGHLY experimental dedicated servers in experimental. describes how to set on up. They even provided a systemd service file (that I’ll probably refine later). Didn’t play with this yet but this looks promising. The pattern is basically known for Unity games 🤷