Lessons from a genocide can prepare humanity for climate apocalypse by Roy ScrantonRoy Scranton (MIT Technology Review)
The bad news is that our slow-motion ecological catastrophe demands new ways of thinking. The good news? We’ve faced the end of the world before.

That dreaded feeling to run out of time in well-considered words:


Author Photo Attribution: Royscranton CC BY-SA 4.0

How I Set up my WordPress Indieweb Website – 2019 Edition by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (david.shanske.com)
This is an update to my 2018 article on how I set up my WordPress site. Standard Plugins EWWW Image Optimizer(Link) – It reduces file sizes for images to ensure faster loading Pushover Notifications(Link)or the forked alternative Pushbullet Notifications(Link) for WordPress – This plugin sends n...

Great overview of useful plugins for a typical Indieweb WordPress Website. Wish I’d have seen this months ago.

How I Set up my WordPress Indieweb Website – 2019 Edition by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (david.shanske.com)
This is an update to my 2018 article on how I set up my WordPress site. Standard Plugins EWWW Image Optimizer(Link) – It reduces file sizes for images to ensure faster loading Pushover Notifications(Link)or the forked alternative Pushbullet Notifications(Link) for WordPress – This plugin sends n...

Great overview of useful plugins for a typical Indieweb WordPress Website. Wish I’d have seen this months ago.

Pattern matching and type safety in TypeScript by Michal ZaleckiMichal Zalecki (LogRocket Blog)
I think it’s fair to say that most programmers understand type safety as a feature of the programming language which eliminates the type errors. TypeScript as a statically typed superset of JavaScript addresses this issue, especially in the strict mode which is more rigorous and performs additional checks. That being said, I’m more interested in …

Interesting article on algebraic data type in :


Mentions fp-ts library for typed functional programming.

AFM-Blog: Das Geheimnis des Binsenflechtens by Bettina Ronschke (Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen)
Die Verwendung von Binsen zur Herstellung von Matten und Gefäßen ist jahrtausendealt. Beim Binsenflechten sind ein paar Besonderheiten im Vergleich zum üblichen Korbflechten mit Weidenruten zu beachten. Hier geben Dir Anja und Bettina nützliche Tipps zum Was? Womit? Woher?

AFM has an awesome detailled article on rush braiding:


Kinder haben ein Recht auf Privatsphäre by dasnufdasnuf (dasnuf.de)
Wie Journelle geht es mir auch oft: Gestern saß ich bei einer Schulveranstaltung mit ca 12 Eltern zusammen und war die einzige, die es problematisch fand, regelmäßig und anlasslos die Chats der Kinder (ab 5. Klasse) und Jugendlichen zu kontrollieren. — Journelle (@journelle) September 12, 2019 ...

Good thoughts on privacy for children:

Kinder haben ein Recht auf Privatsphäre

Melancholy and art from Italy di SkuldCraft by LucretiaLucretia (Etsy)
Skuldcraft was born a few years ago out of the need to create and connect with nature. Horn, bone, wood and stones come together in unique items inspired by nature, history and apotropaic magic. Whether you're looking for an everyday amulet, an altar decoration or just a lucky charm, this is the place for you.

Skuldcraft Jewelry, Adornments, Prints

I’m not much into jewellery myself but maybe some of my or #medieaval fellows find something to their liking at SkuldCraft. The owner offers handmade jewellery and ornaments made from bones, feathers, stones and other items found in nature. I got an awesome print from this shop on my last birthday when it was only on FB. Looks like it’s also on Etsy now and has a discount going:


06. September 2019 - Electrify-BW vor Ort - 3. eMobil Treffen in Horb by ElectrifyBWElectrifyBW (electrify-bw.de)
Beim 3. eMobil Treffen in Horb vom 6. bis 8. September 2019 ist Electrify-BW als kompetenter Ansprechpartner rund um die Elektromobilität vertreten und sorgt für Lademöglichkeiten…

@ElectrifyBW invites to their 3rd eMobility gathering in 72185 Horb / Germany. That’s the perfect opportunity to talk about EVs and ask [real] people about their daily electromobility.

ENHANCE! ‘Photo-Realistic’ Emojis and Emotes With Progressive Face Super-Resolution by iforcedabot (I Forced a Bot...)
Progressive Face Super-Resolution via Attention to Facial Landmark arxiv.org is a machine learning model trained to reconstruct face images from tiny 16×16 pixel input images, scaling them up …

I guess it’s time to talk about pixelated images any why that may be no longer enough: https://iforcedabot.com/photo-realistic-emojis-and-emotes-with-progressive-face-super-resolution/

Astonishing what this machine can compute from a 16×16 pile of pixels.