*cleans up Timeline

I like people content. I like good or interesting stories/articles. Even better with fun or good vibes. I don’t mind occasional rants or reposts. Heck even politics is fine sometimes. Timelines that start to revolve around negativity… thanks for the fish 😔

I have to do this to stay sane. Sadly that is a pattern I see with so many at some “size”. The urge to keep the masses entertained seems to have the effect to fall back to what works best for the Likes: Rant and enrage. Consider checking your own TL with the eyes of a stranger!

On damsels and influencers by Dr Eleanor Janega (going-medieval.com)
So, the other day I was over on my extremely good Patreon that you would like if you joined, having a chat in a video about my research methodologies and some books I have used lately. I gushed about one book in particular, Kim M. Phillips’s Medieval Maidens: young women and gender in England, 127...

TIL: The difference between Queen Elizabeth of York and modern influencers on Instagram.

Great read, as usual: https://going-medieval.com/2021/07/09/on-damsels-and-influencers/ 👏

I was lying on the grass on Sunday morning of last weekIndulging in my self-defeat by ShawshankShawshank (Void If Removed)
Good morning everyone. It’s gonna be a hot one today, if the forecast is to be believed. It looks like it’s gonna be hot for the next week or so. Yay, summer is here. Coffee is brewing, and I think…

Hope you had a good catch. Found real treasures on such sales before 🙂 Sadly in most cases I couldn’t afford the purchase too xD

Föderation (Dirks Logbuch)
Viele Menschen sehen das Folgende anders, aber das hier ist meine Meinung und ich bin auf den Austausch mit Euch gespannt. XMPP zeigt leider alle Nachteile, die eine Föderation mit sich bringt. Es...

Spannend, den Vergleich Fediverse zu XMPP oder Mail habe ich noch nie gezogen. Vermutlich liegt es daran dass ich heute “nur” noch das Fediverse wirklich auf dem Radar habe. Nirgendwo sonst habe ich über die letzten Jahre so viele tolle Menschen gefunden und mich rege mit ihnen austauschen können, ohne von der Platform selbst dabei angenervt zu werden. Auch nicht im Indieweb. Wobei die Grenzen hier zusehens verschwimmen, wenn mehr und mehr Blogs eben Webmentions _und_ ActivityPub sprechen. Warum auch nicht?

(Und mit Webmention Support wäre dieses Kommentar auch nicht nur ein oller Trackback für Dirk ;-))

The only "interaction", beside some thumbs up from RL friends, I get on FB nowadays is the occasion follow request by a pr0n bot. And the subsequent notice by FB to NOT take action against such fake profiles.

Think the time is right to really ditch FB for good. Reduced it’s usage to almost null anyway (and that was hard 😭).

Shame I’ll loose access to some subcultures like most of the LARP or HEMA scenes. Both seem to be unwilling to move on.