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Linux, Programming and Gaming

Stuff and Blabla

TIL: “Skype For Business” is not really possible on Linux PC in 2023. There is no native built. It’s “Web App” requires a plugin that comes with an MSI installer. Not that it really matters, since it’s superseded by “Teams”. In theory. So if you need it anyway you’re not really looking for “Skype”, that may sound similar but has nothing to do with “Skype For Business”, but for “Lync”. Did I say “Lync”? I meant “Office Communicator”. And if you do you’re in luck. There is a Pidgin plugin called “Sipe” which does that. In theory. I couldn’t get…

This was a triumph. Great success… 😁 Three days of BBQ and chilling out. Very tired now. Should go on vacation now 😜 Pic: Fireplace with lots of empty chairs around now that everyone is gone again.

Re: Naja, mehr Links schön und gut aber sorry, Twitter geht halt gar nicht mehr. Und Pingbacks? Klar ist das geil aber warte mal ab bis du Webmentions gesehen hast. Pingback mit Intend! Oder gar… ActivityPub! Wie RSS nur in toll, so mit Replies und Likes und so Zeug. 🤓

I’ll never get tired of sitting at a fireplace in the evening. Should do this way more often. Probably the first time in 3 years.

> "Sie wissen dass Sie die Maske nicht mehr tragen müssen". Das neue "Grüß Gott" des kleinen Mannes.

Spent hours cleaning the terrace with a high pressure washer (and got a sun burn on top). The uncovered damage is extensive. I mean we knew 10 years ago already that we’d need new planks soon but still. Damage is especially bad where flower pots used to be but some are simply because water has no way to go. Some holes are so bad I had to cover them up with boards. Ah well. No rest for the wicket I guess.

RE: Awesome. Love to see Medieval Realm rising (sorry :D) once more. And with such a package on the new Unity version! Kinda expected only land protection but there is so much more. If only my day would have more hours for gaming 😄



Wir landen immer mal wieder mit unserem Mailserver bei der im Filter: Darunter leidet vor allem mein Vater, der sich regelmäßig per Mail mit seiner Peer Group austauscht. Beim letzten mal haben die ein Impressum gefordert, was ich lapidar mit WHOIS und der Rückfrage nach welcher RFC das bitte sein soll gekontert habe. “Ja, da kann ja jeder kommen”. Newsflash: Das ist der ganze Witz bei Mail. SPF, DKIM, rDNS… ist denen alles egal. Jedenfalls ist hier der “Musterbrief”, mit dem er uns diesmal “freigekauft” hat, nachdem ich selbst einfach keinen Nerv hatte mich damit auseinander zu setzen und…

This software converts the into RTU registers understood by inverters that take the BYD 11kWh HVM battery: Quite a hack 🙃
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