Sarah Burrini on Twitter (Twitter)
“Liebe Twitterinis, das @kickstarter für den neuen Ponyhof-Comicsammelband ist eröffnet!!! *kreeeisch* 🥳🥳🥳”

Ui, die @laburrini hat nen Kickstarter für den neuen Sammelband von “Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof”:


Should panoramic images be part of the HTML5 specification? by @edent (
Noodling thoughts. The humble element is one of the oldest parts of HTML. It allows you to put a static image in a document. Later revisions allowed for animated images - like GIFs. And the element made parts of the image clickable. But what about interactive images? Like panoramas and photospeher...

Hm.. want panoramic images be part of or know someone who wants that?

This way:

Adding ActivityStreams representations to Hugo by Jan-Lukas ElseJan-Lukas Else (
I promised and people already asked, so here is the first part of the documentation about how I enabled ActivityPub support on my Hugo-based blog: The first step to enable ActivityPub support, was to get Hugo to generate ActivityStreams representations for posts and the ActivityPub actor. I did this...

Very curious about his: