It’s one of those days. Looks like the power on button broke. It’s stuck and won’t fire any more.
Opened the case and shortened the pins manually. There’s work to be done and I’ve to time for this s*** 😀
It’s one of those days. Looks like the power on button broke. It’s stuck and won’t fire any more.
Opened the case and shortened the pins manually. There’s work to be done and I’ve to time for this s*** 😀
Kinda sad to read that my favorite Diaspora pod is probably about to shut down but tbf I’m surprised how long it lasted. There’s a reason that ppl flock to Mastodon / ActivityPub instead. Less technical and way better UX to begin with.
As for myself I became my own Hub by following the #IndieWeb principles:
Losing this pod means basically I’ll have to re-syndicate my content somewhere else again (if I bother at all). A lesson learnt thanks to G+, Geocities and yeah – even Diaspora and even with pubsubhubbub that is basically a nice idea.
Wishing it’s admin all the best for his next project if the decision is pulling the plug.
loaded active active User Slice of beko user-1138.slice
Hey man, don’t get too attached to things. Learn to let go!
Ivan Vanko
So yeah. We all know An Engineer’s Guide to Cats. This happened to me now. I’m now the guy who has all those cats.
We were going to get a pair of kittens from our local animal shelter, that is currently drowning in kittens. No big deal – we’ve done this several times before. We ended up with three instead due to… reasons.
And since we already have one cat, well one survivor that made it to his 10th year of life (despite ugly car accidents n stuff), we now have four cats.
The trick is still loving them when they become old and fat. And start drooling.
I’ve very mixed feelings on this but we’ve a fairly large chunk of garden around our old farm building so I hope it works out just fine. Free access and all.
"I’m not a #Viking but I want to become one when I’m grown up". Daughter, 6. And somehow I’m proud 😁
I’d like to write more about my daily #emobility experience. Problems, trouble, not working chargers, empty battery, not reaching my destination n stuff.. you know.
It’s just that there aren’t any – it just works 🐸
Ffs, it’s 11°C in my office. I guess the tee season started.
🚀 One Ping Only
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