Rant. Spring and even with a gorram pandemic going on we get one noisy stinky motorcycle after another especially on a Sunday. System relevant people driving to work? No freakin way. I hate this so very much. Why is polluting the environment with joyrides like this even allowed? Hey bikers, playing with your drive for show is _not_ a sign for huge balls but for a small brain and lacking control of your machine! Go home! Stay Home!

Or go at least electric.

Same for the casual village-bogan with extra noise tailpipe at midnight. May your balls shrink to the size of a marble [and still get stuck in your zipper].

Nice, MicroBlog offers free 6-months hosting for – including podcasts and short videos:


I evaluated it some weeks ago and I’m really impressed with it so far.

I gotta say, youtube-dl is freakin awesome. Syndicated back my videos from Youtube and Vimeo. Worked like a charm. It also converts formats and places subtitles in the desired output format next to it. Finding out how to get all into HTML5 was the most work [for me] while the server crunched the numbers. No need to strain my poor internet connection at home at all 😀


Well, I guess this is it for Franz. I really liked this and it worked fine for me for a year. After an update all my configured services are gone and there is no longer a way to reconfigure services without creating an account with Franz.

Hello Pidgin, my old friend. I’ve come to talk with you again.

I found a ticket on Github about the issue here: https://github.com/meetfranz/franz/issues/984 but it never got fixed or even a statement from it’s developer so I assume it’s simply the end of the journey.