My Primary Buffer Panel is almost completely revamped 😄 Just an now, no more in the mix. The CY-822A is also gone. I did add an external PSU to drive as many LED as I can imagine too 😄

I also programmed support for 4 to 8 rotary encoders and there is an additional slide potentiometer sitting on my desk. I still have to find space for that – but I want that very badly since I know how mining in works 🙂 That makes now 49 buttons and 4 axes so far 🙃

A more detailed write-up is planned, as usual.

Laughing to not cry:

Das Verwaltungsgericht Berlin sagt jedoch, dass er kein Vertreter der Presse sei, weil seine Recherchen nicht auf Papier gedruckt zu lesen sind. Was das Gericht nicht wusste: Das DE in steht für Druckerzeugnis.

Ein paar weitere schöne Bilder dazu gibt es unter

…im Gegenzug bist aber Rundfunk, wenn du alle paar Tage mal was auf deinen Video Kanal wirfst oder *gasp* Live Streaming machst.

We met with a teacher (about the little ones). On filling a form she said: Phone is not necessary, we’d be fast with eMail unlike others. She also provided us with infos she just "googled" to validate. My mind whispered: One of us!

Tried to run SteamWorld Dig2 from GoG. It just died with this:

ERROR: ShowErrorMessage: Failed to initialized OpenGL extensions (GLEW), error: Unknown error

This is from my understanding a fixed bug in GLEW on Wayland but requires an update of that lib – which is probably not gonna happen any more.

Fun enough we can work around this by starting it with SDL_VIDEODRIVER=X11 ./Dig2 under Wayland, with from my understanding invokes|provokes XWayland and brings us back to Wayland. And since I want to play this on my couch with my Steam Link I added the game to my library and set it’s start parameters to SDL_VIDEODRIVER=X11 %command% – Et voila…