Oi @EGOSOFT@twitter.com, can I get *just one* more possible character on #x4foundations ship names? I can’t name my carrier ‘You Should Have Thought Of That Before We Left Home’ and that makes me really sad 🤪
Week 11, 2021
Wew. Apparently #Okuna has it’s 2nd anniversary today and while it’s cooking slow it still exists 🙋
Very happy that they did not throw their ethics overboard when no investor could be found.
X4: Cradle Of Humanity for Linux and GOG

I was eager for the second expansion set of #x4foundations “Cradle Of Humanity” since I enjoyed the Split Vendetta expansion a lot. Sunk many nights into this sandbox so I pre-ordered the DLC on GOG (Good Old Games) and watched that countdown to release ticking down. Oh boy, was I disappointed when the timer reached zero and I got nothing while people who bought on Steam already enjoyed the DLC. As usual GOG leaves Linux players standing in the rain so I called it a day and checked again on the next day when I was presented with this:
So apparently they finally managed to roll out version 4.0 of the main game but missed the first DLC Split Vendetta. What could possibly go wrong. Cradle Of Humanity is still nowhere to be seen. This didn’t change until now, one day after release and the time of writing of this article. Oh GOG, I am so done with this. And I even expected this, joking around weeks before the release date that this will be two weeks later for GOG users. Again.
Curiously I checked the Downloads for Windows next and guess what: The DLCs were all there and also on version 4.0!
So I did what every Linux tinkerer would do. I checked out what is really in the DLC files by extracting the contents using innoextract
. To my delight I could not find anything operating system related in there so I threw all the Windows DLCs into my version 4.0 base game folder and extracted both DLCs.

The required files are:
- setup_x4_cradle_of_humanity_4.00_(64bit)(45636)-1.bin
- setup_x4_cradle_of_humanity_4.00(64bit)(45636).exe
- setup_x4_split_vendetta_4.00(64bit)(45636)-1.bin
- setup_x4_split_vendetta_4.00(64bit)_(45636).exe
cd /games/linux/X4_Foundations/game
innoextract --exclude-temp --extract setup_x4_split_vendetta_4.00_\(64bit\)_\(45636\).exe
innoextract --exclude-temp --extract setup_x4_cradle_of_humanity_4.00_\(64bit\)_\(45636\).exe
When I run the game now I found both DLCs registered in the Extensions menu and could start a new game as Terrain fraction. Whop whop, here we go.
No, I will never buy a recent game on GOG again. Especially not as pre-order. I wish I could migrate this to my Steam account. This is the DRM free revolution. As usual, the joke is on the paying customer.
Cleaned out a shiton of snaps and flatpaks. Amazing what piles up there “unseen” over the years wasting resources like bandwidth at the worst moment 😀

Elende Passwortregeln, unverständliche Pop-Ups, mittendrin die ewig klingelnde WhatsApp-Gruppe und Datenskandale überall. Wer sind "die" überhaupt, die meine Daten haben? Und was heißt das eigentlich?
This seems to be available in English now as well: Easy Ways to Be More Private on the Internet (English eBook) https://www.zotzmann-koch.com/buecher/buch-shop/
Ich habe mir nun endlich® mal einen getrennten Yubikey für die Arbeit und Kundenprojekte zugelegt. Der neue Formfaktor in USB-C ist sehr angenehm und damit passen nun auch zwei Stück ohne Probleme an den Schlüsselbund. Die NFC-Funktionalität ist leider auf der Strecke geblieben – das war mit OpenKeychain für Android eigentlich immer eine ganz nette Angelegenheit. Lässt sich aber auch nun auch per USB-C ganz okay benutzen. Für's iPad gibt es was das angeht leider noch keine vernünftigen Apps.
Yubikey. Das sollte ich eigentlich auch mal endlich… 🤔
Wow. LEGO Ideas or not, I totally enjoy ogling some of the designs there 👍
It was a rather long-winded way. And I even read it to the end despite that I was bewildered by the initial thought 🤷
I create this blog with one person in mind, me. There are others like me This is not completely selfish, as there are li
Here is a blogging agenda I can get behind: https://waylonwalker.com/blogging-for-me
It also allows me to make this simple (and admittedly generalised) comparison:
There are others like me.Typical blogger
There are others, like me!Typical “social” media user
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