Self-hosting VSCode by muesli (
As so many others, I’ve switched to VSCode as my go-to IDE in recent years. I won’t go into the details as to why I made that switch, but I really enjoy using it and find it to be a rather productive tool. It’s another Electron app for the desktop, and while that typically bothers me a bit, in today’s post we’ll actually use that to our advantage. VSCode in the Browser Electron is a framework for creating native applications with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Can’t tell if genius or horrifying

Me: I love fast space flying
Also Me: Some day I will even hit that pesky checkpoint 2 of the Fly Dangerous training course.

<random trivia>
Many many years ago in a galaxy far far away I trained at the age of 10 to become a X-Wing pilot. The training course was the classic “hit all checkpoints as fast as you can to qualify”. The course would reset on each failure and the instructor said: “Don’t worry, try it again!”

My dad is still pulling my leg with that line because I wasted so many hours on this to just get it right 🤣

(and yes I was delighted to learn about recently)
</random trivia>

Attending Föderierte, dezentrale soziale Netzwerke gegen Macht- und Datenmonopole | Digitaltag Freiburg 18.06.2021 remotely

Hachja, von so viel Engagement zum Thema Digitalkompetenz kann ich hier bei nur träumen. Beispiel gefällig? Schlappe 1,5 Jahre nach Pandemie-Beginn wird die Frage nach einer Video-Konferenz mit Lehrerin oder Schulleitung an der örtlichen Grundschule mit verwirrtem Blinzeln quittiert. Ob und wie das gehe müsse man erst einmal heraus finden 🤦

Herzlichen Glückwunsch

Oh ffs Freenode. We were still discussing this internally (and not even on the IRC) but it looks like my nick registration was killed anyway today and our foss project channel from 2007 simply nuked.

Thanks for helping us with the choice of moving forward 🖕

Blogging as a by-product by Jan-Lukas ElseJan-Lukas Else (
Zan in his recent article with tips on blogging: Some people blog just to blog, but I find that the most interesting blogs are the ones where blogging is just a tool of capture. You should start a new hobby or improve your current skills and blog about them. Blogging should be a by-product of an act...

Depends on the scope, I guess. Mine is like yours too. It’s like a public diary that may be of use for others but it’s primary for myself.

It’s perfectly valid to go for a more themed approach e.g. for establishing a brand or community.

As long as there is a feed I’m happy 😅

A Higher Call: An Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry by Adam MakosAdam Makos
December, 1943: A badly damaged American bomber struggles to fly over wartime Germany. At the controls is twenty-one-year-old Second Lieutenant Charlie Brown. Half his crew lay wounded or dead on this, their first mission. Suddenly, a Messerschmitt fighter pulls up on the bomber’s tail. The pilot is German ace Franz Stigler—and he can destroy the young American crew with the squeeze of a trigger...

It was Sabaton who introduced me to the story of Franz Stigler and Charlie Brown with their song “No Bullets Fly” (Animated story video

I was exposed to stories about the mighty B17 thanks to MicroProse with their title B-17 Flying Fortress (1992) early so my interest was easily triggered and I was delighted to find out that there is a book about this war story, that apparently really happened.

Got some more info from the Sabaton History channel ( and purchased the book A Higher Call: An Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry.

The story and the aftermath, that are still happening today, really touched me. There is also the fact to read about this fascinating story written by the American Adam Mankos, who in the beginning didn’t care about the point of view of an former enemy, a German, at all, bringing this event after much research to paper:

Read it. Or listen to the audio book. This may surprise you.

The follow-but-mute antipattern by @edent@edent (
I received a rather distraught DM from a Twitter friend last week. They were upset that I was following an account which did nothing but spew out racist bile all day long. Did this mean that I endorsed their hateful views. I was confused. I didn’t recognise the specific account, and didn’t recal...

@edent we used to call this “Kreis-Hygiene” / “Circle-Hygiene” going back to G+ when we “circled” friends.

It’s like teeth brushing but with followings. It has to be done on occasion. Especially over the last year 🙁

This is not only to sort out far right voters or Covid deniers. Often it’s also to find out that a dear account went silent and moved on and the note about it was simply missed. Nobody re-reads yesterdays news.