Native Linux ports - One perspective by mdiluzmdiluz (
I spent 5 years working on AAA native Linux ports. That’s not a long stint by some standards, but nothing to shake a stick at either, so it’s not unexpected that I’ve had a bunch of people come to me wanting a hot take on Valve’s position on the future of that effort now that the Steam Deck ...

I may not like it but you’re probably right on this one @mdiluz

Video demo of using React and Arwes for a stream overlay

Can’t get enough of Diaspora: Shattered Armistice (on Linux PC). Of course with my DIY headtracker 😃 And while we’re at it we demonstrate – because nobody said that a sci-fi interface made with React can not be used as stream overlay too 👍

This is a Work In Progress and a DEMO.

Made to learn some React, get some freakin cool UI _and_ save me bucks on a stream overlay 😀 by Jonathan GulbrandsenJonathan Gulbrandsen (
Finished reading: Small Gods by Terry Pratchett 📚 Mini-review: A tip from Kvalitetsaktiepodden. Strong like. Sharp and funny satire of religion at large. Never read Terry Pratchet before, will for sure do so now.

Good idea and welcome to an awesome verse 🙂 There are some first-reader suggestions on the web to follow specific story lines better. Discworld may be a bit much for newcomers 😉

*cleans up Timeline

I like people content. I like good or interesting stories/articles. Even better with fun or good vibes. I don’t mind occasional rants or reposts. Heck even politics is fine sometimes. Timelines that start to revolve around negativity… thanks for the fish 😔

I have to do this to stay sane. Sadly that is a pattern I see with so many at some “size”. The urge to keep the masses entertained seems to have the effect to fall back to what works best for the Likes: Rant and enrage. Consider checking your own TL with the eyes of a stranger!

On damsels and influencers by Dr Eleanor Janega (
So, the other day I was over on my extremely good Patreon that you would like if you joined, having a chat in a video about my research methodologies and some books I have used lately. I gushed about one book in particular, Kim M. Phillips’s Medieval Maidens: young women and gender in England, 127...

TIL: The difference between Queen Elizabeth of York and modern influencers on Instagram.

Great read, as usual: 👏

I was lying on the grass on Sunday morning of last weekIndulging in my self-defeat by ShawshankShawshank (Void If Removed)
Good morning everyone. It’s gonna be a hot one today, if the forecast is to be believed. It looks like it’s gonna be hot for the next week or so. Yay, summer is here. Coffee is brewing, and I think…

Hope you had a good catch. Found real treasures on such sales before 🙂 Sadly in most cases I couldn’t afford the purchase too xD