Geheimnisvolle Welt des Mittelalters by Karolin KüntzelKarolin Küntzel
Wie sah eine Ritterburg von innen aus? Welche Kleidung trugen die Menschen? Mussten die Kinder damals auch zur Schule gehen? Dieses Sachbuch ab 8 Jahren nimmt Kinder mit auf eine aufregende Reise in die spannende Welt des Mittelalters! Atemberaubende Bilder und packende Texte erwecken die geheimnisvolle Epoche wieder zum Leben.
Geheimnisvolle Welt des Mittelalters

Eyed that for a while already and got this yesterday. It’s a children’s book about medieval times with illustrations by

It’s not like most children’s books and also has chapters about uncomfortable topics, like the plague, and is apparently not full of Holywood bs.

ISBN: 9783817423545 by Jeremy CherfasJeremy Cherfas (
Catalytic converter theft is something I’ve read about. Never imagined it would happen to me, but it did. A very rude awakening.

Yikes! Gotta admit, that is catalytic converter theft something I’m very afraid of as BEV driver too. That battery has only “some” screws more – and is also worth a lot more.

Trying to get (or even find) a cheap TV in 2022 is a horrible experience. Especially on Amazon, because there are no filter for this and the search function will simply not care and keep shoving all kinds of Smart TVs in the face. Various other websites designed to compare TVs also do not offer such a filter and I really wonder why, because there are very valid reasons to *not* want a Smart TV. Yes, I don’t even want the Telefunken ones that come at least with Linux!

For reference, our current is some very old Samsung with whopping 720p (including burnt in artefacts) and I’m out for replacing this for a while now.

I’m also not out for the greatest and widest since the TV may be part of our living room but that room is not designed around the TV. It’s more a corner thing. It should be a real upgrade for the 720p so “just HD” is out of the question. I kinda settled with the idea of something around 55″ and 4K – so not quite a computer monitor any more, due to it’s size, where I’d have way more choice. And cheap please. I really do not spend much time in front of the TV.

Apparently Sceptre is one of the few selling some non-Smart TVs but that seems to be US only (e.g. Walmart) so not an option for me.

I was already close to giving up when I randomly stumbled over the homeX U55NT1000. I’ve had no idea about this brand before, nor do I have an idea about the quality but they _advertise_ with the fact that this thing is “As smart as I want it to be” by connecting external devices of my choice:

Apparently it also comes with a Triple-Tuner that I don’t care about but it’s nice to have that option I guess. Also no idea about it’s audio connectivity. I’ve my own AV receiver for that anyway 😁

And it comes pretty cheap (roughly 300 EUR according to historical data on the net) ticking off all my boxes:

~~cheap~~ affordable
☑ 4k (UHD)
~~dumb~~ non-Smart
☑ 55″

So I ordered. I’m already very curious how this will play out and will update this once the TV arrives.

Fluggeschwindigkeiten, IAS, TAS, EAS, CAS, Mach by wabis wabis (Walter Bislin's Blog-De)
Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit den verschiedenen Fluggeschwindigkeiten, deren Berechnung aus im Flug gewonnenen Messdaten und deren Beziehung untereinander.

Das ist so wahnsinnig gut erklärt. Ich komme immer wieder auf zurück. Und dabei fliege ich nicht mal im echten Leben – und habe es auch nicht vor o0

Vielen Dank @wabis!

Indexing in MySQL by yahwho (
I have been working a lot with JavaFX recently and it’s been a while since doing any SQL work. After loading my project and running a few test commands I was pretty shocked to see that the SELECT statements were taking almost 15 seconds to produce a response! Thankfully I quickly remembered I need...

Indeed. Always worth to take a closer look at indexes when SQL queries are too slow 👍

Mastodon Does Microformats, ActivityPub Does Check-Ins and Travel Plans by Ton Zijlstra (
I hadn’t really looked, but it turns out that Mastodon has incorporated microformats. It has h-feed and h-card, h-entry (a status), and h-cite (a boost). Plaint text properties (p-), e-content, and link properties (u-) are implemented. Indeed, they all surface when looking at a profile’s HTML so...

Mastodon Does Microformats, ActivityPub Does Check-Ins and Travel Plans:

A Very Silly Workaround to Verify the @scalzi Account on Twitter is Actually Me, John Scalzi by John ScalziJohn Scalzi (

Because the blue check mark on Twitter is now a symbol of subscription status, rather than being a symbol that Twitter has verified that an account is held by the person it purports to represent, I offer the following, with apologies for the occasional use of the third person, and with informational bits up front […]

This is why especially the IndieWeb people are adamant about that everyone should be their own identity provider on the net and not give that role away to any silo|3rd party. Yes, a domain costs (just like a phone number). Even if it just holds a single page referencing “official” profiles. I’m aware that this isn’t an identity check but it’s enough to tell profile equivalence and this is the more important part.

BTW: Love your books 🤓