Kinda sad to read that my favorite Diaspora pod is probably about to shut down but tbf I’m surprised how long it lasted. There’s a reason that ppl flock to Mastodon / ActivityPub instead. Less technical and way better UX to begin with.

As for myself I became my own Hub by following the principles:

Losing this pod means basically I’ll have to re-syndicate my content somewhere else again (if I bother at all). A lesson learnt thanks to G+, Geocities and yeah – even Diaspora and even with pubsubhubbub that is basically a nice idea.

Wishing it’s admin all the best for his next project if the decision is pulling the plug.

Unlisted Posts by Aaron PareckiAaron Parecki (
At IndieWebCamp Amsterdam I finally implemented unlisted posts for my website! This has been on my list for a while, and is a prerequisite for being able to do fancier things like posting full photo albums to my site, so I decided to take the plunge and finally get this done. There has been some bra...

Yes, please 😀 I want this too.

IndieAuth for WordPress Question by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (
Thinking about the necessity of maintaining IndieAuth code in the Micropub plugin and now the Yarns Microsub plugin for WordPress. I wanted to put out to any WordPress user for some input. The IndieAuth plugin creates an IndieAuth endpoint inside your WordPress installation. This means that you logi...

IndieAuth plugin is fine for me. I have it installed and active anyway since it’s part of the suggested IndieWeb plugin collection for WordPress. In fact I feel more uneasy with auth functions crammed into other plugins where I don’t even expect them to be. Feels wrong to have such functions all over the place.

Push notifications with Indigenous (
Indigenous for Android has a new home. To celebrate, a new release is out which allows you to receive and send Push notifications!

So… I can not only read from my endpoint, or react over my endpoint, no, I can even retrieve push notifications with Indigenous for Android ( via – how cool is that?

Pushy comes with a plan tho and I wonder who pays the price once it’s free trial of 100 maximum devices is exceeded. Future releases of Indigenous promise the usage of an own MQTT backend so this may do the trick.

…and why has this not already over 100 subscriptions at all?

Eine POSSE! by Matthias PfefferleMatthias Pfefferle (
Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere kurz POSSE ist ein zentraler Building Block des IndieWeb. POSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, a content publishing model that starts with posting content on your own domain first, then syndicating out copies to...

Ich muss teilweise zustimmen. Nicht alles muss überall hin geschickt werden.

Ich selbst arbeite noch am “Decluttering“ des eigenen Streams. Dazu ist aber erst einmal ein tieferes Verständnis darüber was da eigentlich passiert nötig.

Und hier sehe ich wiederum besonders die Plugins für beliebige CMS, wie WordPress, in der Pflicht. Installationen alleine mit Verweis auf ein Wiki genügt da nicht. Die Lernkurve ist hier steil und es ist viel Try and Error im Spiel.

ActivityPub und RSS sind da noch 2 ganz besondere Optionen, die Joe WebUser ggf nicht einmal auf dem Schirm hat. Das habe ich unlängst gerade auf einer Webseite einer UX Designerin erlebt, die mir blankes Unverständnis über die schlechte Verständlichkeit des Excerpt entgegen brachte, und es auf den Reader schob 😑 by Jacky AlcinéJacky Alciné (
@zachleat says it clearly - we can’t expect places like Twitter to exist forever. But we can do that for our own identites on platforms we have a say in.

This is so very true. I remember when Geocities went down taking my website with it. That was one of the reasons I started my own. Didn’t quite learn my lesson tho and G+ happened. Never again!

It’s been almost 20 years now 😁