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Linux, Programming and Gaming

Stuff and Blabla

Exactly what I needed

Ditchbook may be exactly what I was looking for – thanks Cleverdevil!

Freeing from Facebook

I was late for this party anyway but getting off isn’t that easy. Cleverdevil has some good pointers on freeing yourself from Facebook but the suggested tool fb-export requires an AccessToken for the Graph API Explorer. For this one has to set up a developer account with Facebook. That’s not freeing [for me]. That’s entangling even more because this step requires a phonenumber or credit card with Facebook. A step I managed to advert so far. So yeah, I guess my quest goes on. This may work for others tho.


Today we had a great barbecue at my brother’s new place.


Had an awesome day at the airfield. Wife got the chance for a flight and today we had perfect weather. I stayed on the ground with one of the little ones. Flying is fascinating but not my cup of tea. The others had a great time between the clouds 😀

Going IndieWeb

I’m dabbling in IndieWeb for some time now but didn’t fully embrace it [yet]. There was no real need since I’m running my own blog for years so I’m already half-way there. It is a thing tho especially for people that are simply tired of not owning their content any more. I noticed that a lot of publications I wrote myself over the last years are simply forgotten and burried in some silo. Ever wrote an article on say FB? That’s basically lost after just a week. Nobody will ever find or read [or even search for] it again. It’s…

This is Ikarus. My first laptop featuring a Celeron with 1GHz and awesome 20GB of disk [having Lunar Linux installed]. It died airborne [cliché] when rotation forces took it out of my car during an accident. Tbf it is not dead. Just mostly. External power and display and it’s still good to go – ignore the cracks in it’s hull 😆

Visiting The Archive

Had a surprisingly good time in the archive today. It opened just for a few hours. We were maybe 7 people and most were neighbours of us as well. When I found a bunch of ~20 year old photos we all put our heads together to identify the locations.

The Fifth Elephant

Current read: The Fifth Elephant I’d like to link to terrypratchettbooks·com but they have a hilarious stupid Terms Of Use about linking or even quoting that I will not support.


This is a picture of the H0 model railway reconstruction of the Altensteigerle 1891 – 1967 – the first narrow-gauge railway of the Royal Württemberg State Railways. It can be seen once a month in 72213 Altensteig / Germany


Current read: Jingo I’d like to link to terrypratchettbooks·com but they have a hilarious stupid Terms Of Use about linking or even quoting that I will not support.
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Mobility and Electric Vehicles

Mediaeval and History