Primary Buffer Panel
Interview: In depth walkthrough of my Primary Buffer Panel / `@ozoned` interviewed me on my home cockpit on a live stream via…
Linux, Programming and Gaming
No Man’s Sky, a Vulkan game, with SBS mode – on Linux PC
I know most of you won’t care or see why this is of interest but…
Stuff and Blabla
Algebraic data type in TypeScript
Interesting article on algebraic data type in #TypeScript:
Mentions fp-ts library for typed functional programming.
Ranting about Medium
That’s it. Medium has totally lost it. Until now I got some more or less interesting daily highlights for programming by mail. This is now mixed up with a shiton of sex and dating related articles. WTF is this? I’m a programmer so I must be lonley in my bunk? Know what #Medium? F*ck you! Subscriptions halted, AccessToken revoked, added to MX blacklist. I am so tired of you and your bad UX anyway.
Unsere Zwerge decken den Tisch für alle.
…und jeder räumt seinen Kram später auch wieder ab 🙂
Das kostet natürlich ab und an einen Ikea Teller 🤷♂️
Mobility and Electric Vehicles
Twike 5
Wie niedlich: – wenn ich groß, reich und schön bin will so was definitiv haben! Der @robinvonrobintv hat dazu ein Video gemacht: #Twike #electromobility
Mediaeval and History
Historic silver mine Hallwangen
Visited the abandoned silver/copper/barite mine in Hallwangen, 72280 Germany. It’s a rather interesting one as…