Primary Buffer Panel
Interview: In depth walkthrough of my Primary Buffer Panel / `@ozoned` interviewed me on my home cockpit on a live stream via…
Linux, Programming and Gaming
Stuff and Blabla
Land Of Confusion
Loving this cover of Land Of Confusion by Disturbed but it’s really getting to me that this is so up-to-date [again]:
Black Forest Walk
Went for a long walk in the forest with my family and shot some pictures on the way.
Algebraic data type in TypeScript
Interesting article on algebraic data type in #TypeScript:
Mentions fp-ts library for typed functional programming.
Ranting about Medium
That’s it. Medium has totally lost it. Until now I got some more or less interesting daily highlights for programming by mail. This is now mixed up with a shiton of sex and dating related articles. WTF is this? I’m a programmer so I must be lonley in my bunk? Know what #Medium? F*ck you! Subscriptions halted, AccessToken revoked, added to MX blacklist. I am so tired of you and your bad UX anyway.
Mobility and Electric Vehicles
Twike 5
Wie niedlich: – wenn ich groß, reich und schön bin will so was definitiv haben! Der @robinvonrobintv hat dazu ein Video gemacht: #Twike #electromobility
Mediaeval and History
Historic silver mine Hallwangen
Visited the abandoned silver/copper/barite mine in Hallwangen, 72280 Germany. It’s a rather interesting one as…