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Linux, Programming and Gaming

Stuff and Blabla


I’m now an artist 😜 Happy 😁

Looking for a new diaspora pod

The diaspora* pod I’m using is closing down after several years of service. While I understand it’s admin and hope the next project goes better I’m now looking for a new one. Any recommendations for DE/EN, RSS nice and mayhap a technical audience but less bots?

Linux Marketing has a lot in common with IndieWeb

My first thought after reading by @killyourfm is: Yeah, just like the . Same issue.

Remotely execute arbitrary code vulnerability nginx and php-fpm

This is bad. Looks like there is a execute arbitrary code remotely vulnerability in nginx and php-fpm when fastcgi_split_path_info is used. That’s a very common setup. has all the gore (CVE-2019-11043).
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