That’s it. Medium has totally lost it. Until now I got some more or less interesting daily highlights for programming by mail. This is now mixed up with a shiton of sex and dating related articles. WTF is this? I’m a programmer so I must be lonley in my bunk? Know what ? F*ck you! Subscriptions halted, AccessToken revoked, added to MX blacklist. I am so tired of you and your bad UX anyway.

Kinda sad to read that my favorite Diaspora pod is probably about to shut down but tbf I’m surprised how long it lasted. There’s a reason that ppl flock to Mastodon / ActivityPub instead. Less technical and way better UX to begin with.

As for myself I became my own Hub by following the principles:

Losing this pod means basically I’ll have to re-syndicate my content somewhere else again (if I bother at all). A lesson learnt thanks to G+, Geocities and yeah – even Diaspora and even with pubsubhubbub that is basically a nice idea.

Wishing it’s admin all the best for his next project if the decision is pulling the plug.