Friends came over for a spontaneous armoured #training for #reenactment last weekend. Lots of stabbing while keeping the line closed. Weather was perfect for this but sadly not good for taking some good pictures so here is all I salvaged from the camera.
Category: Reenactment
Visited the Museum Of Everyday Life in Castle Waldenbuch 71111 / Germany. This town is known for it’s chocolate factory of Ritter Sport but it does indeed have a very nice medieaval town core – timber-framed buildings included.
The museum itself is simply great. The place is huge and there is so much to see. It was also a great place for the kids who in opposition to usual museum trips did not just run from room to room. The exhibits really catched their attention and we spent a surprisingly long time inside.
My personal highlight was the opportunity to see the Family Swevia and Reisecen live showcasing their deeds. Two great living history groups that really do put a lot of effort and research in their presentations.
Turned-over shoe Kemp for sewing leather Beeswax candle making Cooking Box Riveted chainmail Turned-over shoe
The Yellow Of The Egg
*Dieser Blogpost enthält unbezahlte und unverbindliche Werbung* Wie man im Mittelalter gelb färbte Gelb – wohl eine der umstrittensten Farben im Mittelalter. Die einen sagen, es war die Farbe…
All about yellow in the medieval periods one needs to know. Read up why it was not the color of the oldest kind of trade and how it was dyed:
Dobler Spectaculum
Visited the 8th Dobler Spectaculum at Dobel 75335 / Germany where we got to hang out with friends from Die Schlegler e.V. – means we were sitting around in their camp, ate their food and relaxed while everyone else was working.
Just kidding – we helped as well, of course, but ran for the hills when a storm approached 😉 It was nice to hang out on a medieval market again. Something I haven’t done a lot in a very long time.
Happy Eastern
Daneaxe n Chill with friends. What else to ask for?
Bachritterburg Kanzach
Visited the Bachritterburg in 88422 Kanzach / Germany, a reconstruction of a medieaval motte-and-bailey castle from the early 14th. century. It’s a wooden fortification with an enclosed courtyard that has a lot of Living History from various groups going on.
Viking Bed Plans
Being based upon an actual model removed from the 10th Century Gokstad ship.
Find details on how to make a 10th century norwegian bed on
Becoming a patron

When asked by my wife what I’d like for christmas I replied that I’ve a list of people I’d like to support for their great art/work.
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