Did some #pell training today. Nothing fancy. Mostly shaking the dust off the new pell.
Category: HEMA
Refurbished My Pell

Some weeks ago I managed to kill my old #pell for good. I never expected it to hold that long at all when I built it back in 2016. To be fair I slacked off a lot over the last year but thanks to recent events forcing everyone to stay at home I stepped up my #training again.
Don’t train alone, it only embeds your errors.
Vesimir, The Witcher 3
Well, Vesimir is right, but that choice do we have? So I spent the late afternoon refurbishing my fallen #pell.

Luckily there was another beam, that was part of the kitchen wall some years ago (#hausbauquatsch), with the same dimensions. I could even re-use most of the old post.
Some of the old screws were broken and I had to persuade the leftovers with a crowbar (I probably learned this in Half-Life ;))

And that’s it this time. I never came back to adding any sort of dampening mats. Some use carpet or rope. I’ve even seen tires used for this. Somehow I became very fond of flying splinters all over the place though. It’s a very satisfying feeling and I even made a video about this some years ago.
On speed in HEMA

“Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.” This adage is used to illustrate the fact that speed is gained through efficient movements, rather than just trying to use as much force as possible. And in a lot of ways it is true. Most of the increases in speed we realize are not from an increase in the ra...
Looks like Sean wrote an excellent article on training speed in #HEMA [that I somehow missed until now].
Gotta love that series on Sword STEM.
Happy Eastern
Daneaxe n Chill with friends. What else to ask for?
First pell training this year. I really slacked off. Man.. my arms are hurting now. Still great to train outside again ?

The Sword – Form and Thought
Catalogue on the occasion of the same named special exhibition in the Deutsches Klingenmuseum from 26th September 2015 until 28th February 2016.
Das Schwert – Gestalt und Gedanke / The Sword – Form and Thought: https://shop.histofakt.de/product_info.php?products_id=64&language=en
Product No. B-930315-017
On Spears
As usual this was made to show what can be done. The details are up to you if you decide to make your own spears.
- “Real Enzyklopädie für gebildete Stände” from 1832
- Various publications by Timothy Dawson phd.
- Cliparts are Public Domain by courtesy of Fabricatorz LLC
Sword weekend
I survived a sword weekend. We trained for two days: longsword, dussack and dagger. That was a great experience with a group that was really eager to learn. Learned some new tricks and lost probably 3kg just through sweating 😉
Finally, I fit in my jacket again 💪 #pellDiet
Cutting improvised Tatami
Just rolles cardboard that I dunked briefly under water just before the cutting. Very improvised because I felt like experimenting a little bit today.