Hm… spring is near so we’re removing the LED strings we usually put up in Dec for the darkest season. Think that’s the last year for this one. Not too shabby for the cheapest of the line for 10 years of usage.

Oj Western tech bros, remember when we complained about outsourcing? Well, we came full circle. Got contacted for a job opportunity from an Eastern Systems House.

(This post may contain traces of sarcasm or irony. No kitten were hurt.)

Did some programming on my “MFDs” last night. They start coming to live with proper game data from 😁 All duct tape and JS plumbing. Sorry for shaky cam. Couldn’t be arsed with the tripod at 1:30 am.

Short demo video of the panels loading up

Here is a close up picture without all the shaking:

The animations are made possible with – a library designed to create futuristic user interfaces (FUIs) fast.

So apparently the URL for changed. Sadly the new one makes the same old mistake by sending the _wrong_ Content-Type making my reader trying to parse it as JSON feed. Proxy rewrite it is again *sigh

For nginx this could look like this:

location /fds-nina-feed {
    proxy_set_header Accept "application/rss+xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8";
    proxy_hide_header Content-Type;
    add_header Content-Type "application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8";

Find more broken feeds at

Was ist eine Webmention und wie nutze ich sie in WordPress? by hagengrafhagengraf (
Gerade im World Wide Web ist die Verlinkung von Inhalten eines der stärksten Features. Auch heute noch ist bei Suchmaschinen die Menge an Links, die auf eine Website zeigen einer der wichtigsten Parameter, der darüber Auskunft gibt, wie beliebt diese Website ist. Wenn du einen Link auf eine andere...

Prima. Wir brauchen mehr von solchen Artikeln 👏 Webmentions können natürlich noch viel mehr. So taugen sie auch dafür Brücken in andere Netzwerke zu schlagen – ein Feature welches ich gerne und oft nutze 😀

Been wondering for weeks why needed that much CPU and “lost” the sinks on occasion. Turns out that the media-session was started twice due to a leftover from my fiddlings in /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf. Two different pids in journal should have given this away. Thanks Peter for not pulling a here 😀