Katha schreibt on Twitter (Twitter)
“ARD, ZDF, C&A BRD, DDR & USA BSE, HIV & DRK GbR, GmbH, ihr könnt mich mal THX, VHS & FSK RAF, LSD & FKK DVU, AKW & KKK RHP, USW, LMAA PLZ, UPS & DPD BMX, BPM & XTC EMI, CBS & BMG ADAC, DLRG, ojemine EKZ, RTL & DFB ABS, TÜV & BMW KMH, ICE & Eschede PVC, FCKW is' nicht OK https://t.co/8sQXtQekTV”

FCKW sind wir wenigstens los geworden 🤔

The Sword. Form and Thought | blog.HistoFakt.de by JSachersJSachers (blog.histofakt.de)
„The Sword – Form and Thought“ was the name of an exhibition held at the Deutsches Klingenmuseum (German Blade Museum) in Solingen from 26th September 2015 until 28th February 2016, and is also the title of the accompanying catalogue.

Re: http://blog.histofakt.de/?p=3358

The Sword – Form and Thought (ISBN 978-1-78327-427-7) is indeed a must-have for every sword enthusiast. Got my print years ago but I guess the recent prints are of the same fine quality.

Book Review - Terry Pratchett's Discworld Imaginarium (shkspr.mobi)
Terry Pratchett's Discworld Imaginarium Terry Pratchett wearing a top hat. Paul Kidby has collected the very best of his Discworld illustrations in this definitive volume, including 40 pieces never before seen, 30 pieces that have only appeared in foreign editions, limited editions and BCA editions,...

Nice. Huge fan myself. So where is your X-Clacks-Overhead header? 😁

Über die wundersame Märchenrechnung von einer Million E-Autos, die abends das komplette Stromnetz lahmlegen - Der Graslutscher (Der Graslutscher)
„Ja toll, Jan, ist ja schön, dass Du für Dein ökologisches Gewissen jetzt einen Elektroherd benutzt, aber Du weißt schon, dass unser ganzes Stromnetz zusammenbrechen würde, wenn jetzt auf einmal alle einen hätten? Wenn nur 10 Prozent aller Deutschen abends Lasagne kochen, dann bräuchten wir dafür 94 Gigawatt Strom! So viel haben wir ja gar ... WeiterlesenÜber die wundersame Märchenrechnung von einer Million E-Autos, die abends das komplette Stromnetz lahmlegen

TIL: Dust inside the 🖱️ mouse can confuse the scroll direction of the mouse wheel. The random reverse I could observe nicely using xev was driving me crazy. So after some reading I tried applying air pressure blasts to the wheel and that really fixed the issue. ✨ Shiny!

The Collapsing Empire by John ScalziJohn Scalzi
Hey! It's out! The Collapsing Empire, my twelfth novel, is here and available at your favorite bookstore and/or online retailer (in the US/Canada; in the UK it's out in two days). It's the first book in the new space opera series (called "The Interdependency") and introduces some of my favorite characters ever in a universe…

Current read: The Collapsing Empire


The Expanse tells us what happens when paths open and distances “shrink”. The Collapsing Empire does kinda the opposite. The paths close and humanity has to deal with it.